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help with sub setup


March 29, 2009
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98 explorer
i just bought a dual voice coil Audiobahn 10" sub and a 4 ch sony explode amp 600 watt amp bridged 2 channels but i get very little bass out of the sub im thinking the amp is not big enough i checked the watts per channel 55x4 i bridged 2 channels that only comes out to 110 watts the amp is 600 watt 4 channels and the sub is a Audiobahn dual voice coil on the back of the sub says 350 watt im thinking i need like a 2 channel but how big i found this
PB446 Pyramid Reno Series - 600 Watt 2 Channel Car Audio Amplifier online for $44.93 im new to this help me please

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Also, you're not gonna get a whole lot of bass out of that sub.
1. It's 10"
2. It's 350w - Is that RMS?
3. Audiobahn is good, but IMO Kicker is louder, and I HATE Kicker. lol.

i turn it all the way up and after a few mins the amp is some what warm

whatever you do don't get a pyramid anything. have you looked up mtx amps yet on internet there pretty cheap and they pound. i got 2 kicker 15s in my xplorer with a 500 watt mtx amp that i paid $30 for on ebay and it makes them suck the roof in and out. mtx is the best bang for the buck.

and if the sub is rated at 350 watts and im only putting 110 watts i think thats way to low and i bridged the sub to 2 ohms

If it's dual voice coil there should be two sets of terminals on it. Have you tried running positive into one side and negative out of the other side and connecting the remaining posts with a piece of wire?

What head unit do you have? what are your bass settings on it?
What gauge wire did you use?

i tryed ebay but i can not do the pay pal thing because i dont have a bank acount plus im kinda on a fixed income i get unemployment i just bought this set up for 70 dallors cash from a freind i did because he has no income so i helped out a friend

the sub im not sure it has flames on the back and says 350watts and the amp is a xm554zr sony explode

Well I'm not sure what to tell you without physically seeing it. Just fiddle around with it and try different things, there's a lot you can do to get more power out of an amp and/or into a sub.

i have tryed every diff way and no diff im going to get a friend to test the sub on his amp and see if it is the sub or the amp

i bridged the two voice coils like some one on here told me for one sub at a 2 ohm set up and we tryed running one voice coil to one ch and the other coil two another channel and it made no diff im thinking he might have messed up the amp before i got from him not sure how to test it

i had similar problems with my subs, it just did not seem powerful at all and slightly distorted. i wired them in parallel and that made a huge difference, now they sound great. i forget the amps and everything but i have 2 10" rockford fosgates and one kenwood amp.

i only have 2 rca jacks so i can only run the front or the back i have tryed the front and the back the same thing real low thats why im thinking i need a new amp

i have one Audiobahn 10" sub and a 4 ch sony explode amp 600 watt amp bridged 2 channels that comes out to 110 watts at two channels they say u can not bridge all 4 channels

the amp is no where near powerful enough....

if your low on cash just save up for a Walmart mono 2 or single channel amp at least 500 rms for that audiobahn. I think they have sony at walmart its decent stuff for cheaper.

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what would be a good watt amp and what kind would be good under 50 dallors and i can not use ebay i have no bank acount i only have debt cards i look on this site but i dont know what to buy and not to buy
