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A long and cold front wheel bearing and ABS saga


January 27, 2004
City, State
Shawnee, Ks
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT 4.6L V8
The last couple of months of the year, my front left wheel bearing had started howling and I knew it was time to change it out and bought a new bearing off of ebay that sat in the garage for the last month of that time. I had replaced it about a year and a half ago so I knew the symptoms. The day after Christmas it took a turn for the worse and the ABS light came on so I knew I had to do it. So, in 0 degree weather out in my unheated gargage, I put the new bearing on, was a little odd I thought that I had to use the axle nut to draw the half shaft through the bearing hub most all of the way, but heck, no noise and the ABS light went out, no breaking problem. Oh, I torqued everything, hub axle nut to 184 ftlbs per this forum. Well, about 4 days later, noise is back and getting worse fast, and ABS light is back on. So, I thought I got unlucky with a cheap bearing that was bad. Not wanting to have to do this too many times, I ordered a Timkin from an on-line parts store for about $140. Got it put on with no problems at all yesterday morning with no problems, again out in my cold unheated garage laying on the floor wet from all of the snow we've had this year. Oh, and while I was at it, I went ahead and replaced the passenger side bearing too (I've got 150K miles and was a little nervouse about it) before I put on the new Timkin on the driver side. I took it out for a test drive and now I get a ABS vibration/pulsing when I brake with any force at all also with a feel of a bit of a pull on the left front (where I put the Timkin). This happens everytime I press with any vigor on the brakes. Then, the ABS light comes on again, and all braking seems to be just fine (assuming ABS is thinking something is happening that really isn't). This has continued to happen ever since. I disconnected the battery for about 15 minutes in hopes that it would reset but that didn't seem to help. The ABS light alway comes on eventually after which the braking seems normal (obviously ABS is probably not active).

Any thoughts or suggestions? My wife is going to try and take it by the dealership tomorrow to get the codes read.

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I had the exact same issue as yours after changing the wheel bearing on the drivers side. I checked the codes and it showed a bad abs sensor on the new bearing. I fortunatly still had the original bearing and replaced the abs sensor with the original sensor from the old bearing. That solved the problem.

Thanks Gudde! I called the local dealerships to ask about reading the codes, one was going to charge $149 the other $89 to just read the codes. I called a local mechanic I've used and he said he would read them for free for me. I'm going to do that tomorrow and assuming one of the two new front bearing sensors are bad and the code will tell me which one, I will use the one out of the reasonably good old bearing like you suggest.

You two aren't too far away:D Would either be interested in running at KCIR this spring?

Huh? Sorry, not tracking with you?

You live in Shawnee, I live in Gardner;) We are about 20 minutes apart and Gudde is about an hour away from you. Thought this spring we could meet up at KCIR(drag strip) and get some runs in. Unless you don't do that kind of thing then never mind.

My drag racing days were over 20 years ago and the Explorer is the wife's. Rock crawling with my Jeep is my game these days. Frostbite at Kansas Rocks, Feb. 27th.

Went by the garage and they said the code indicated no signal from the abs sensor on the front left, took the one off the old bearing and put it on. didn't seem to help, still getting the abs light.

Oh, and BTW, I've sent 4 messages to "partsman888", the seller on ebay about warranty claim on the first bearing I put in and they haven't responded yet. Beware of this place on ebay, no communication at all so, it doesn't do much good to have a 1 year warranty when you can't figure out how to get it back to them and get a refund.
