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A5 Nav update now available on our site

Welcome to the Forum Doug1953.:wavey:
I guess that sort of leaves us wondering when the A4 was actually updated.:scratch:


The maps on A4 are the same as A3.

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As a general FYI, assume the map/map update you are getting is at least 2-year old data. I'm not speaking the Ford, or any other OEM in particular as this includes the aftermarket brand GPS units as well. It also includes Streets n Trips, etc.

I can't speak as to why this is, only that I use these programs regularly as in daily as a function of my business. Quite often there are developments that were built 5 years ago that don't show up on this year's program/update. We know the street was there and named before the houses were. I just assume it's a that's how long it takes to get to market issue.

I just got off the phone with Ford customer service to clarify this. The A5 update is not part of any TSB or "fix" it is solely a navigation update therefore it is the responsibility of the customer. I am aware some manufactures offer a period of free upgrades but this is not the case here.


This is so funny ! You buy a Garmin for about a hundred bucks, which works much better than the Ford system, and get free lifetime map updates....or you buy a $40,000 Ford and then have to pay for map updates......WOW
Best regards Plum

I'm sure that there is more than just a map update involved with Ford's navigation card. Remember that one of the big updates required the installation of a new S/D card. If it was strictly map data, I doubt that a new card would have been required. These cards were provided free of charge. The cards are likely also integrated into the voice recognition system. The Ford voice recognition navigation system is a $795 option. A top of the line Garmin on Amazon goes for around $270. I've also seen them priced higher on other sites. You're not exactly comparing "apples to apples".


Remember that one of the big updates required the installation of a new S/D card. If it was strictly map data, I doubt that a new card would have been required.


Also remember that in the subsequent MFT update, the previous s/d card(A3) is also compatible.

A5 Map update

Just got a letter from Ford about A5 map card. Anybody get it yet? Wondering if there is much difference between A4 and A5. Any body remember when A4 came out? 2013?
They want $149 for it.
Oh they are offering free shipping. Whoop De Do.

Just got a letter from Ford about A5 map card. Anybody get it yet? Wondering if there is much difference between A4 and A5. Any body remember when A4 came out? 2013?
They want $149 for it.
Oh they are offering free shipping. Whoop De Do.

A4 came out in 2012 or early 2013, but it was not a map update. It was an update to be compatible with a version of MFT(3.2.2 or 3.5.1). A3 was the last map update which was in 2011 I believe.

Just got a letter from Ford about A5 map card. Anybody get it yet? Wondering if there is much difference between A4 and A5. Any body remember when A4 came out? 2013?
They want $149 for it.
Oh they are offering free shipping. Whoop De Do.

$40 to $65 on ebay, shipping sometimes free.
All look to be the real deal - OEM packaged A5 map update.

$40 to $65 on ebay, shipping sometimes free.
All look to be the real deal - OEM packaged A5 map update.

Thanks. Got it on eBay for $60 including shipping. :D

Just purchased a 2011 EXLT with MFT but it doesn't have any navigation capabilities from what I can tell. Do I HAVE TO pay for the Sync in order to utilize the navigation feature. Also there isn't a SD card in the slot, should there be?

I have a 2013 explorer with a A4 card. I found a site that says I can load a B5 card which has USA and Mexico for $160.00. Since I live in the Phoenix area I am thinking about it.

Just wondering if anyone else has tried it.


Never heard of a B5 card for Ford navigation. Also when I went to the site, I was unable to select model and year. This usually means that the product isn't available for the vehicle (Ford) selected. Although I'm not positive, I believe the SD card is more than strictly a mapping device. With one of the earlier MFT updates, the SD card had to be changed as well.
I think I'd run this by Rebecca before deciding on a purchase.


Thanks peterk9

Thanks for your suggestion...message sent to the Ford Team.

Thanks everyone. Since I live in Arizona I am going to get the B5 today.

Is their anyway to check what is new on the A5 update? Or at least see what roads / POI/ speed limits are on the SD all together? I have ran into some mistakes in my area and was wondering if the any were fixed.

Is their anyway to check what is new on the A5 update? Or at least see what roads / POI/ speed limits are on the SD all together? I have ran into some mistakes in my area and was wondering if the any were fixed.

Hi mastersource,

You can give HERE (our map provider) a call at 1-888-628-6277; they'll be able to tell you what changes were made. :)


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