ABS controller swapping a defective unit | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ABS controller swapping a defective unit


New Member
July 26, 2020
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Virginia Beach, Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
08, Explorer Ltd
I own an 08 Explorer XLT with 190k miles. I recently experienced an electrical tremor whilst driving Ina thunderstorm (lights,radio, headlights all flickered and vehicle stalled). I then had the ABS & RSC lights on, an alarm and service RSC now warning msg.

I checked for ODB codes at a local flaps and got codes C1991 (module calibration fail); B1676 battery voltage out of range; C2778-20 sensor power supply failure. I checked online and found mixed diagnoses. I did check each wheel sensor and replaced both rear wheel sensors but the tone rings look okay.

I want to ask - if I change the ABS controller myself do I still have to get a ford garage to reprogramme my vin into the new module or can I get a plug and play one. Can I fit a used one from the same year vehicle and clear the alarms/codes?


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C2778-20 and 1991 means bad abs/cluster wiring,mostly dirty sensor cluster HSCAN connector plus cluster recalibration.

No reason for ABS module replacement.
Dont look for answers on online diagnostic charts etc ,just grab your own factory workshop manual and check there.

Pairing/initializing new ABS module could be performed DIY thru Forscan.

Good luck

You should check the condition of the battery and/or alternator. Code B1676 can be caused by low voltage due to battery or alternator failure. I can tell you from experience that low battery voltage can cause any number of problems and codes to show up. I suggest ruling these two items out before looking at other sources for the codes that were tripped.

In addition to what has already been mentioned, I'd clear the codes and see if they come back.

You should check the condition of the battery and/or alternator. Code B1676 can be caused by low voltage due to battery or alternator failure. I can tell you from experience that low battery voltage can cause any number of problems and codes to show up. I suggest ruling these two items out before looking at other sources for the codes that were tripped.
Thanks for this. I did get a new battery and had that and the alternator tested and was advised they are good.

In addition to what has already been mentioned, I'd clear the codes and see if they come back.
Tried clearing the codes but they came straight back!

C2778-20 and 1991 means bad abs/cluster wiring,mostly dirty sensor cluster HSCAN connector plus cluster recalibration.

No reason for ABS module replacement.
Dont look for answers on online diagnostic charts etc ,just grab your own factory workshop manual and check there.

Pairing/initializing new ABS module could be performed DIY thru Forscan.

Good luck
Can I check are the workshop manuals available online or do you have to buy them? Also do you know if there's a procedure for cleaning the connector or is it a case of using std electrical connector cleaner?? Is the sensor inside the abs module or connector or is it seperate?? Thanks again for yr time and advice!

Thanks for this. I did get a new battery and had that and the alternator tested and was advised they are good.
Another thing to check is the grounds, including the PCM ground, for corrosion or lose/bad connections.

Can I check are the workshop manuals available online or do you have to buy them? Also do you know if there's a procedure for cleaning the connector or is it a case of using std electrical connector cleaner?? Is the sensor inside the abs module or connector or is it seperate?? Thanks again for yr time and advice!

You can purchase hard or digital copy on ebay etc.

Connectors cleaning: any suitable tools and chemicals,beware of connectors pins bending.

Sensor cluster (separated from the abs module) located on the center tunnel floor -near the gear stick.driver side center console service panel to be released to see em

Can I check are the workshop manuals available online or do you have to buy them? Also do you know if there's a procedure for cleaning the connector or is it a case of using std electrical connector cleaner?? Is the sensor inside the abs module or connector or is it seperate?? Thanks again for yr time and advice!

^ When I post this link it just reads "error" but is the 2007-2008 Ford Workshop Manual DVD ISO

First thing to try is just unplug the connecters, examine for corrosion and plug back in if none found. There's probably also a different colored plastic insert in the connector which can be pried out and will release the wires and contacts for better access for cleaning, IF needed. Use only as strong a solvent as needed. Contact cleaner is a good first try, but in extreme cases, if it can be salvaged at all then you might try metal polish like Brasso brand, or very fine sandpaper or steel wool. It really shouldn't be that bad inside an '08 vehicle (unless it has flood damage), engine bay connector or frayed wire seems more likely.

Besides the manual linked above, I also happened to find a section for an 2008 Expedition that is probably similar and might be worth using to some extent.


^ When I post this link it just reads "error" but is the 2007-2008 Ford Workshop Manual DVD ISO

First thing to try is just unplug the connecters, examine for corrosion and plug back in if none found. There's probably also a different colored plastic insert in the connector which can be pried out and will release the wires and contacts for better access for cleaning, IF needed. Use only as strong a solvent as needed. Contact cleaner is a good first try, but in extreme cases, if it can be salvaged at all then you might try metal polish like Brasso brand, or very fine sandpaper or steel wool. It really shouldn't be that bad inside an '08 vehicle (unless it has flood damage), engine bay connector or frayed wire seems more likely.

Besides the manual linked above, I also happened to find a section for an 2008 Expedition that is probably similar and might be worth using to some extent.

Thank you!!

I own an 08 Explorer XLT with 190k miles. I recently experienced an electrical tremor whilst driving Ina thunderstorm (lights,radio, headlights all flickered and vehicle stalled). I then had the ABS & RSC lights on, an alarm and service RSC now warning msg.

I checked for ODB codes at a local flaps and got codes C1991 (module calibration fail); B1676 battery voltage out of range; C2778-20 sensor power supply failure. I checked online and found mixed diagnoses. I did check each wheel sensor and replaced both rear wheel sensors but the tone rings look okay.

I want to ask - if I change the ABS controller myself do I still have to get a ford garage to reprogramme my vin into the new module or can I get a plug and play one. Can I fit a used one from the same year vehicle and clear the alarms/codes?

My ABS Module quit working; a repair/rebuild facility advised it's main chip was destroyed. I bought a used module having same part numbers, installed it, and the ABS throws continuous code "Incorrect VIN in Module". The ABS functions correctly, so I just drive with the light on.

My ABS Module quit working; a repair/rebuild facility advised it's main chip was destroyed. I bought a used module having same part numbers, installed it, and the ABS throws continuous code "Incorrect VIN in Module". The ABS functions correctly, so I just drive with the light on.
U can fix it via module pairing/initializing or by manual as build chart code change

C2778-20 and 1991 means bad abs/cluster wiring,mostly dirty sensor cluster HSCAN connector plus cluster recalibration.

No reason for ABS module replacement.
Dont look for answers on online diagnostic charts etc ,just grab your own factory workshop manual and check there.

Pairing/initializing new ABS module could be performed DIY thru Forscan.

Good luck
Just wanted to say thank you for the advice!
