ABS Hydraulic control unit? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ABS Hydraulic control unit?


the original tramp
February 6, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Fort Myers, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Explorer EB
Ok - wrapping up the SAS and I have a quick question. I no longer use ABS and would like to run new lines from the master cylinder to the brakes. If I remove the HCU, I won't affect braking, just ABS, right? Do I need to install a pressure valve instead of the HCU?

Thanks for the help guys.


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What is an HCU?

HCU- hydraulic control unit

Yep - Hydraulic Control Unit...

So - what do you think - can I ditch it?


I guess you could ditch it if you want. Is it getting in the way of something? You could just leave it there and let the lines run through it. If the abs is disabled, if won't do no harm.

The only issue is there are two lines coming out for the front, and my new axle will have 1 line running to it, then splitting at the pumpkin to run to the calipers.

What about joining the 2 lines coming out of the HCU in order to run a single line to the axle? You think that would work?


I don't see why it wouldn't work. On the earlier xploders, there was just one line going from the master to the left front brake hose. From there it had a junction that split it to the Rf. And of course the rear line is a single line that ran to the rear axle where it was split left and right.

I'll give it a shot - thanks...


Was your X origionally 4wheel ABS? If so you will need to get a proprortioning (sp?) valve.

Yes - 4wheel ABS. So I can run a valve in lieu of the control unit? That would work for me too.


You should be able to run the proportioning (sp?) valve from the same model truck your front axle came from. There is a catch though. You need to find out if the bore diameter of the X master cylinder and rear wheel cylinders match that of the vehicle you get the valve from. If they are not identical you may need to add an adjustible proportioning (sp?) valve in the rear brake line in order to prevent unbalanced brake condition.

Thanks Mike! I'll check it - adding a 2nd valve is not a big deal....

