ABS Problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ABS Problem


New Member
September 14, 2008
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City, State
Marcellus, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT
I have a 2000 XLT AWD with ABS issues. The ABS engages at low speeds going around corners. The mechanic said that he had faulty readings (I'll assume OHMs) from both front sensors. He said that the wheel hubs may need to be replaced at a cost of 1000 - 1200 dollars. Does anyone know where ther may be a detailed description of this process and whether or not the sensors alone can be replaced? Thanks in advance for your help!

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The Sensors alone cant be replaced. The whole hub assembly costs about $200.

Welcome to the Forum

I agree with Brooklyn. Clean it up real good and go from there.

Im a tech at a multidealer and first seen this problem on gm trucks. You can try to remove both front abs sensors . What you will find is the hub has corroded onder the sensor pushing it away from the tone ring inside. this pushes the sensors away causing the abs module to get a false reading. I take a flat file and remove the rust the apply antiseize to slow future corrosion. Must be careful the sensors dont break when removing.I may have one or 2 used ones at work if u need them.

The sensors can be replaced, they do remove from the hub.

Absolutely JT. New front sensor from Motorcraft is a BRAB115. They aren't cheap though. But cheaper than a new bearing.

How do you clean this area up? Where is it?


I am experiencing the same issue. ABS light is on and don't know why. I have a 1997 xlt 262k miles on it.

I followed the advise of chillywilly's post on 9/16/2008 and sure enough the ABS is no longer activating as I come to a slow stop. The corrosion was right there under each sensor and resembled a gasket. Once removed the problem was solved. I did break off the driver’s side sensor however on removal but ordered a new one from RockAuto.com $139 ....Brakes work perfect once again.
