ABS Sensors | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ABS Sensors


April 24, 2007
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Deeside, North Wales
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I know this has already been discussed on the forum, but I've got the typical ABS fault where it cuts in when almost stopped. It started a long time ago and would only do it on full lock (turning right) but now does it when going straight ahead (although not when turning left).

I've taken both front sensors out, cleaned and refitted but it's no better. If I don't hold the steering wheel when it does it the car pulls to the left. Can anyone confirm that it's the right hand side sensor thats faulty? (My theory is that the front left wheel is having normal brake pressure applied whereas the right is pulsing and therefore not breaking as hard and allowing the car to pull to the left).

Also, are both sensors (RHS and LHS) the same (sorry, forgot to check when I had them appart).

Anyone know of the best place to pick one up from?



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sounds like a gd theory as mine does the same, you can purchase one from rockauto.com or ask chriss on here, he is also on ebay.

Just a quick update on my abs issue.

It was the RHS front sensor that was faulty. Got one from rockauto eventually (they mixed my order up and sent it to some bloke in the states, I ended up with a Coolant filler neck for a Dodge Dakota - bless um!!! but sent the correct part once they'd realised their mistake).

Anyhow, all is well with the truck again now.

Just a quick update on my abs issue.

It was the RHS front sensor that was faulty. Got one from rockauto eventually (they mixed my order up and sent it to some bloke in the states, I ended up with a Coolant filler neck for a Dodge Dakota - bless um!!! but sent the correct part once they'd realised their mistake).

Anyhow, all is well with the truck again now.

Sorry for going off on a tangent!, When you got your order did you get nailed for import duty etc from our wonderfull goverment?


Hi Chris,

When I placed the order UK vat was INCLUDED in the final price of the order. I Ordered 2x front wheel sensors and one rear plus some other bits (bleed nipples). Figured better to have spares just in case since shipping is so expensive. Anyhow, shipping was $ 27.34 and vat was $ 26.73. Total order still worked out cheaper than ONE genuine front sensor from Frauds in the UK!!!!

Hope this helps

