Add 3rd Row Seat to a 3rd Gen | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Add 3rd Row Seat to a 3rd Gen

OK, the question is can it be done, YES. however it's a lot of work, and you'd basically need the entire back end out of a 7 seater explorer to transfer to your 5 seater explorer.

The cargo area of a 5 seater explorer is bigger than that of a 7 seater, but that is because the 2nd and 3rd row seats take up more room than does the regular 2nd row seat and 5 seater load floor. Also in the 7 seater, the load floor slopes up as you reach the front seats, the 5 seater doesn't do this, although it's still not as flat the earlier explorers 91-01. However I think the cargo area is bigger over all, longer and wider than earlier explorers.

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I too have wanted to add a third row seat to my 02 EB, To me it looks like a fairly easy task. After reading these posts now I'm not so sure. I do wonder why my EB has cup holders in the back side panels (in the cargo area) already. I also have two "below floor" storage areas in the back, if you ask me a 3rd row seat looks like it's a natural fit back there. I have yet to find one at a wrecker to try though.

I would love for someone to e-mail me some close up pics of an 02 third row and the floor space it tucks into. Or post them. My email is



Hi Guys
I just joined so this reply is a little late for the original poster, but here it is anyway.
Yes it is possible, i have done it.
Mine is a 2002 UT XLT and all parts were found at parts recyclers.
Storage box behind 2nd row is removable and immediately missing foot area appears (you will need to carpet this area). Buy the factory bolts for seats and seat belts and they self tap into existing mount points in the floor, pillars etc.
Only problem is the side interior panels in cargo are different particularly the right one. Some modification is required for it to accept seat belt reel in the "D" pillar. I cut this area out with a Dremel, its not pretty and i will send it to a plastic welder soon.
Access is no drama in XLT as 2nd row seats fold forward (not centre seat though).
My XLT doesnt come with air-con in rear section so it can get a bit stuffy in 3rd row area.
Otherwise it easy and transformation was completed in about 4-5 hours.
Hope this helps.

Cheers from down under!

Finally Someone Who Knows

AussieUT said:
Hi Guys
I just joined so this reply is a little late for the original poster, but here it is anyway.
Yes it is possible, i have done it.
Mine is a 2002 UT XLT and all parts were found at parts recyclers.
Storage box behind 2nd row is removable and immediately missing foot area appears (you will need to carpet this area). Buy the factory bolts for seats and seat belts and they self tap into existing mount points in the floor, pillars etc.
Only problem is the side interior panels in cargo are different particularly the right one. Some modification is required for it to accept seat belt reel in the "D" pillar. I cut this area out with a Dremel, its not pretty and i will send it to a plastic welder soon.
Access is no drama in XLT as 2nd row seats fold forward (not centre seat though).
My XLT doesnt come with air-con in rear section so it can get a bit stuffy in 3rd row area.
Otherwise it easy and transformation was completed in about 4-5 hours.
Hope this helps.

Cheers from down under!

Thanks Aussie, looking at mine, I could not see how this could be so tough as some people in this post lead us to believe. Just proves, If you don't know what you're talking about...stay out of the conversation. :mad:

I look forward to finding the parts at an autowrecker and doing this swap I'll even post step by step pics to quiet the "know it alls".


It can defenitely be done and I know someone that has step by step pictures of how it is done PM me with ???? The main point I have made is it is a lot of work, more than I am willing to spend, but Good luck!

has anyone done this yet

I have not done it yet. I am going to be doing it this weekend. From what the done diders said, it was just a little time consuming. The ain't gonna tryers can say what they what. But i will be doing a rough set up. I mean by that is the third row will be functional but it won't be pretty. I will be taking plenty of pics, maybe i can make a sticky on how to make the transformation. If anyone is curious on this send me a private message and we will go from there.

Does anyone know if the 2002 third row will fit the 05 truck? I figure it will but there is a slight doubt.
