add a leaf bolts | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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add a leaf bolts

Blue Steel

Well-Known Member
March 19, 2001
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Wilmington, NC
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Explorer '97 XLT SOHC
I remember a while back a thread on bolts for the add a leafs busting. i can't find that thread again for the life of me. what size bolts did you replace the ones that came with the add a leaf kit with for the explorer pro comp add a leaf? thanks guys. don't want to drive down the road and the bolts break then have to jack up the truck again to fit new bolts.

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what are talking about....

use super glue, it hold better.

that's no answer. and you say i'm the peanut gallery?

I'm not sure but I think that the reason that these bolts were breaking was because people were using them to clamp or hold the spring pack together and not tightening the U-bolts enough. Seems like once you get the pack together unough for the bolts you should just keep clamping and hand tightening the bolts a little at a time, not tightening with the bolts. Then the bolt with hold the pack together and allign the pack on the perch when you attach the pack to the axle. Then you want to torque the u-bolts down real good (check the haynes). This should prevent that bolt from breaking I think.

that was the thread i was looking for. couldn't find it though. thanks SplashMan
