rear leaf question??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rear leaf question???


Explorer Addict
November 30, 2000
Reaction score
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Year, Model & Trim Level
96 LTD, 96 XLT, & 98 XLT
i would like to know if I can use a regular threaded bolt to hold the pack together. the factory bold had a round head and non thread shaft till the end where the threads where. I went and torched that off cause I installed a pro-comp add a leaf and then used the bolt that came with it.
No I want to remove the add-a-leaf and i need a bolt to hold the pack together.
should i go to ford and get a factory bolt or can i just use an bolt and grind the head down so its round????

will it be strong enough?

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The head of that bolt is round to fit in a hole in the bottom of the spring perch. If you do get a non-dealership replacement bolt make sure it fits in the hole tightly so your rear end doesn't shift around.

Pur Pony- you are the man! i love your explorer, well actually, i realy love the motor. put that baby in 89' lx 5.0 w/ 3.73's, shortened pullies, tremic tranny, w/ 3" pipes hollowed out cats(b/c you have to have something that at least looks like one in GA) and an x-pipe set up and you would really be the man. i would marry you just to ride in that car. but still, your explorer is realy sweet!!!!!

p.s.-make sure you get grade "A" bolts or the threads are going to strip when you put everything back together(from personal experience)

how does a 93 lx sounds with 3.55's and a TKO 3550 and 14lbs of boost sound? thats whats sitting in my garage for the summer.hehe

but my explorer is a very fun daily driver

drop the 355's and get 373's.. much better =)

are you looking to adopt?

depends - how old- where from- and will you contribute to my expensive hobbies-???? :)

you got the notch back or the hatch back?
i had an 87 notchback 5.0 my friend wrecked it so now its gone =(

PUR-a standard 3/8" bolt head will fit in the perch hole. The stock bolt head is smaller than the perch hole for alignment purposes.

its a hatch

its in pieces right now- motors out, no interior... i am installing a sanja performance body kit (SN-95) they copied the 94+ front and rear bumpers and made them to fit a 87-93. and I have the cervini cobra R hood and steeda race wing.
and im getting it painted 2001 mercedes brillant silver with cobra R rims, baer brakes- 5 lug, and MM suspension kit. hopefully dont by summer





sweet.. i had a 2" cowl on mine i wanted the four but i didnt think it would look right... hopefully by next summer iwill have another one.. i love little project cars
