Adding inputs to Sony head units the cheap way part 1 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Adding inputs to Sony head units the cheap way part 1


Well-Known Member
July 19, 2005
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Surrey, BC Canada
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99 Sport + 06 EB
My ideas aren't exactly new and I've seen it done before either here on another website but I figured somebody may benefit from the pictures.

Older Sony head units have an aux input that will only play when a CD Changer is connected. Sony HU's have a proprietary unilink connection that is a bit harder to activate using aftermarket solutions. The newer (maybe 2004 up) units have what sony call aux-lite. These act as regular inputs, however will render any Cd changer (or any unilink device) unusable.

The usual solution is to use a connector called an XA-300. This device adds more inputs to your head unit (and even a usb input from a laptop) but at $100 (from Crutchfield) its another way for sony to nickel-and-dime its patrons

If you have a cd-changer already installed or if you want an additional way to plug in your ipod or any mp3 player then there is an easy solution

First, the HU and CD-Changer are connected normally per instructions.
Then you split the connection for the audio outs of the changer with y-cables
Y-splitters on one end and a standard mini-jack on the other end


Plug in the y-cables to the sony changer


Incidentally, a sony cd changer fits in the factory CD-changer location in the console. No trimming was necessary and small brackets from thin material can be fabricated to hold the changer in place


Now comes the trick part. Create a silent audio cd and use that to replace one of the discs in the cd-changer. That way, when the changer switches to that cd, no audio will actually be fed to the head unit but the input is active because the unilink connection is triggered.

Now is the time to hook up your Mp3 player (Use the mini-jack from the y-splitter and plug it into the headphone jack of your mp3 player.


If your head unit supports CD-text or is capable of assigning names to your discs, you can rename the disk to Aux-Mp3 or something similar. This will make the integration look professional



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If instead of the portable MP3 player, you may want to install an aftermarket DVD player and screen. The method described above could also be used to port your sound through your existing sound system.

For this I used a cheap Myron & Davies MP707 portable DVD player (Its branded in Canada as Nextar M607/M707 and sold at Canadian Tire). I got the idea from Justin146 install of his monitor.

The monitor flips open just like a regular portable player. The screen flips toward you instead of away from you. I created a pod that will allow the player to be detached whenever I want and mounted it on the forward center console where the storage pocket used to be

Pictures were taken with a phone camera



The screen flips foward to load the DVD. The player plays regular cds, mp3s (with built-in menu), jpgs for a slideshow. It also has video inputs (so it can act as another monitor as well as video outputs if you want additional monitors for the back


Again, you can use the fake audio disc method for displaying playback on your head unit. This unit also comes with a built-in fm transmitter

(Display says: Mp3-DVD)


Overall, this is how the setup looks


Nice write up:thumbsup:

I made this a sticky.

Did you make the black piece that the DVD mounts in? I need something like that.

Did you make the black piece that the DVD mounts in? I need something like that.

Yup. Made it from scratch. It was my first time to work with fiberglass.

I made a thin clone of the console piece with fiberglass and pieces of plastic. Then I made a frame / cage out of pine wood that houses the Screen itself and molded it to the fiberglass piece.

Bondo, a lot of sanding and some satin black paint completed the project.

Btw, prior to the final project. I made a prototype out of cardboard and paper mache and made my adjustments from there.


So, now that you're an expert, can you make one and ship it out to me? ;)
