Adjusting brake lights sensitivity? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Adjusting brake lights sensitivity?


Well-Known Member
December 9, 2005
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98 4.0 SOHC XLT 4X4
Is there such a thing? My brake lights work fine when you step on the brakes but upon releasing slightly (not totally), the lights go off. There are times when you want to stop smoothly wherein you have to gradually apply brakes then releasing a bit but still stopping slowly. My problem is that as soon as you release just a bit, the lights go off and I'm worried about the car behind me not stopping. What I always do when there's a car behind me is to make sure my foot is on a downward push or downward push then steady (since the brake lights are still on and don't go off until my foot goes upward. I can't seem to explain this right and don't know how to put it to words but hopefully someone will understand what I'm saying here.

Thanks in advance!

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maybe try replacing the brake light switch?
There's no way to adjust the sensitivity that I know of

Every Ford I've owned in the last 15 years has done that exact same thing. In fact, I believe that every ford I've ever owned has had the exact same brake light switch on it. They all work the same way AFAIK.


Same answer I was given "Nope" hehe. I just live with it now, I haven't found a work around, and refuse to replace the switch, more $$ than it's worth imho.

It is the brake light switch. I had a 90 T-bird which wouldnt start beause of the break light switch.(You had to press brake to start car.) On the Explorer you may not be able to get it out of park if it fails totally as the brake needs to be on to get it out of gear.... :usa:

FreeWheelin4x4 said:
and refuse to replace the switch, more $$ than it's worth imho.

It's just a 2 minute job for $10 dollar part.

raaizin said:
It is the brake light switch. I had a 90 T-bird which wouldnt start beause of the break light switch.(You had to press brake to start car.) On the Explorer you may not be able to get it out of park if it fails totally as the brake needs to be on to get it out of gear.... :usa:

But the switch is working as it should.... step on the brakes, it illuminates the brake lights and the brake-shift interlock is de-energized. If you release a little pressure off it, the spring inside it pushes the brake pedal arm off it as it should, opening the contacts. If the push-rod for the booster does not return as it should, that's not the switch's fault.

And if the switch fails, you can bypass the brake-shift interlock very easily: Turn the key to the unlock position, shift to neutral, start it, and drop it in gear, then drive straight to the store for a new switch because you have no brake lights either.



I think every Explorer does that, even the new ones. I know mine does it.

Not like the ones on the 2nd and 3rd gen explorers. I have an 01 Sport and I am experiencing the same thing no matter where your foot is it could be at the bottom or it could be at the top as soon as you release any pressure at all the brake lights go off even if you're pressing the brakes enough to keep the truck stopped if you release any pressure the brake lights will turn off even with the calipers actually applied. Crown Victorias have the same problem if you ever see cops driving down the road in their Crown Victorias sometimes you notice their brake lights flashing a bunch of times because their cars have the same problem as soon as they release any pressure off of the pedal regardless of how far down the pedal is pressed the brake lights will shut off. I think Ford had a TSB out for the brake pedal switch on the Crown Victoria but I think it was just replacement of the connector and harness which really makes no sense so maybe it's not related at least that's what my MasterTech told me but he's an idiot and his brain is fried from working for Ford for 30+ years. I think I temporarily fixed it one time by disassembling the Switch & bending the contacts but like I said it's only temporary and eventually it could also make it worse than it was by fatiguing those contacts. My Mustang Cobra on the other hand does not do this and it has a similar brake light switch but it is not the same maybe I'll try modifying it or the pedal assembly to make it fit but if anybody has any information on a workaround let me know thanks again guys
