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Air Dam and gas mileage


Elite In Memoriam
January 17, 2001
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XLT
I just completed the first long road trip since the install of my Explorer X Air Dam from Explorer Express ( see Dead Link Removed for the install ).

My son and I drove to N Florida ( almost all Interstate highway ) to get one of our *****es breed with a National Field Trial dog, My son did the driving in my truck; he averaged 81.6 MPH ( determined via Garmin III Plus GPS ). We were amazed at the gas mileage – 24.8 MPG.

This is the best “high speed “ mileage that this truck has ever produced. I wish we had made the same run prior to the install of the air dam, but, alas, we didn’t. Therefore we cannot determine the mileage benefit of the air dam. Yet, it must have improved it somewhat based on the mileage,

Not too bad for an item that looks good and helps in the pocket book.


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Hides the winch pretty well too! :D

Originally posted by alphasylum
the only thread you can use the word ***** in and not get in trouble, so how did the breeding of the ***** go?

We have to go and pick her up next Friday. Then hopefully in 60 days we will have a litter.....

Oh my, she'll definately need a cigarette after a 60 day session.
