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Air Filter Recommendation?

Well, using no filter would lead you probably to the same conclusions...

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I like the K & N FIPK II.

I do use Fram oil filters though.

wow, the worst filter ever! i would rather run no filter than a fram. that being said i use motorcraft oil filters, and purolater air filters.

I have a K&N cone filter with an adapter...sounds really cool, not sure if it really helped performance or not though. No problems with the MAF getting contaminated and I realized I way over-oiled the filter last time (there was liquid filter oil in the bottom of the filter box).

I did have a Camaro with a K&N panel filter which had the MAF ruined by the filter oil. YMMV.

Im surprised nobody mentioned Amsoil EA filters. I got a cone filter adapted to my factory intake. They cost less than K&N's, are oiless and they claim better flow. Good warrenty too - I forget now exactly how it is.

This almost seems like the Firestone roll over situation, people simply don't don't check, or do things when they are suppose to.

That is the problem, most people go overboard with the oil pizza or don't let the oil soak in. I cleaned mine once a year really well pizza let it sit for about a day after oiling it before re-installing.

That is the problem, most people go overboard with the oil pizza or don't let the oil soak in. I cleaned mine once a year really well pizza let it sit for about a day after oiling it before re-installing.
See #4-16-17
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I have a good look at this.... I will explain later why I agree with this because I have family courts issues I have to deal with first ...

Over the years I have used several different filters and learned to hate most of them because the problem is that they help air flow to the motor but with that airflow you sacrifice proper filtration ... So in my life I found out that when i used K&N Filters I would find fine dust particles in the intake tubing which i could imagine is doing to my engine and that's why I have switch to AEM Dryflow Brute filter and never looked back because I don't want dirt in my engine..

I just use OEM style paper filters. No difference in performance and mileage over stock to use an aftermarket one. I've tried them... still have the K&N sittin around collecting dust... a hell of a lot more dust than it collected while in my intake.

I've got drop in K&N filters in three of my vehicles and in a previous one that had one for over 250k miles. Never a single MAF problem. FWIW. YMMV.

I just use OEM style paper filters. No difference in performance and mileage over stock to use an aftermarket one. I've tried them... still have the K&N sittin around collecting dust... a hell of a lot more dust than it collected while in my intake.

I have heard that a K&N isn't as good as capturing fine particles as a paper filter...but when I wash my K&N (every 15k miles or so, when it looks dirty) a LOT of stuff comes out. Just saying.

I never had a MAF problem either with my mac cold air intake which had an oiled open element filter...I've got the stock assembly with a Purolator filter on now, gets like 1 mpg better :D but doesn't sound as good under acceleration :(

wow, the worst filter ever! i would rather run no filter than a fram. that being said i use motorcraft oil filters, and purolater air filters.

Yeah, i know. But other oil filters aren't really readily available where I live..

We just got Purolator air filters in at walmart, they look like they're better than the frams, build wise.

And, I try to buy those 6X Fram filters. Even though they still do a crap job, probably, I haven't had any problems.

If your looking for a "performance" air filter, get one that performs the task it's meant to, and that is FILTER AIR.

The stock paper filter or an Amsoil EA is best in that regard.

If your looking for max flow without regard to filtration or uniform airflow for the Mass Air Meter to sample, then just run it without a filter. The dumb-ass's will think your on to something and the ones who know your not will call you a dumb-ass.

Win-Win depending on how you look at it.
