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Airbag light

The code "3 7" means high resistance in the passenger side airbag circuit. You will likely find a pinched wire under the dash perhaps from an item in the glove box since the harnass passes directly over top. Proceed with caution airbags can be very dangerous.

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code 3 7 is for the passenger side air bag found this on a different site they said that it a circuit error bad connector or open circuit i guess you could start by checking the cable as much as possible for any cuts in the covering

The airbag light on my 97 has started to come on. At first it was blinking 2-3 (I think), now it just blinks a while and then goes solid. Frankly I don't care for airbags, so unless there's a simple solution I'd like to just disable the whole thing. Does anyone know what a 2-3 code may be?

Any idea where this ground may be?

I looked at the 3 diagrams for my vechile, and I don't see the actual airbag module listed in any of them.

I wouldn't disable the air bag system. It will make it illegal to sell your vehicle without theair bag system opperational.

I wouldn't disable the air bag system. It will make it illegal to sell your vehicle without theair bag system opperational.

I'd have to be insane to want to sell my Explorer.

Well from what I can tell from the Ford Service Manaual CD, the module is grounded directly to the battery. But the battery is grounded fine, overwise I wouldn't be able to start the Explorer. So I'm assuming the fault is before it splices to the cable running to the battery. Where exactly can I find the airbag module on the 97?

It's behind the passenger side kick panel.

Im getting a 41 code on my 97 explorer which is high resistance or opens circuit in the crash sensor... which is great but dose anybody know which crash sensor it is? I looked in that thread and it claims to be on the RH side for the mustang but is this correct for my explorer?

The airbag light on my 97 has started to come on. At first it was blinking 2-3 (I think), now it just blinks a while and then goes solid. Frankly I don't care for airbags, so unless there's a simple solution I'd like to just disable the whole thing. Does anyone know what a 2-3 code may be?

Turns out my clockspring was broken.

Thanks for updating us with this information. Did you replace it yourself, or did a shop do it? How much was it? Where did you purchase the new clockspring? There are usually other symptoms which are related to a bad clockspring, such as no cruise, horn, etc.

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Thanks for updating us with this information. Did you replace it yourself, or did a shop do it? How much was it? Where did you purchase the new clockspring? There are usually other symptoms which are related to a bad clockspring, such as no cruise, horn, etc.

I havn't replaced yet, but when I pulled the airbag off the steering wheel I noticed it was completly ripped. Ford sells it for over $100, there's another site that has it for $80. Hopefully, I can get it cheaper from someone parting an Explorer out.
