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alarm wiring


November 22, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Ottawa, ON
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT
Hi all...

I posted a thread some time ago about this and I got no answer, at that time I just let it run until now that I want to fix it.

I installed a remote starter/keyless entry in the truck. Starter works ok. Now, I needed to arm/disarm my factory alarm when I use the starter keyfob. Disarm works ok too, I connected the disarm trigger of the starter to a darkgreen/purple cable in the driver's door and it disarms when unlocking.

Now I wanted to arm the alarm when locking the doors with the keyfob, so I did some research and found that there's a trigger for setting the alarm in the drivers door, a yellow/black cable in the driver's door too. That worked ok except for one thing, the alarm goes off when the truck is started with the remote. The trigger in the starter module sets a pulse to disarm just before starting and then rearms 4 secs after start.

If I don't connect the yellow/black cable the truck starts with no problem and the alarm doesn't goes off, which is the expected behaviour, but it doen's arm the alarm when locking the doors.

Anyone knows how to connect this? Which cables to use to arm/disarm?
The starter is a ProStart Canadian model and has two neg (-) triggers for arm/disarm.

thanks in advance...

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I assume the remote-start activation wire has to be connected to the factory alarm. Not sure which wire, I've never seen a diagram for a factory alarm. Whats the yellow/black wire supposed to be for on the factory alarm? You can also connect the wire to the domelight circuit so when a door is open the alarm will go off.

The yellow/black is upposed to be for dome light supervision. I got the info from
Because lock/unlock from the remote acts like the door lock/unlock button it needs to sense the domelight is on
The trigger works this way (this is what I think):
When you press lock in the remote the starter sets the trigger, the domelight goes on for a second and the door locksa and activates the antitheft.
I've been searching for this for a while and haven't found an answer yet.

Is your system comptable for use with a factory alarm? It should have wires you connect to the factory disarm and rearm. Did you get rid of your Bulldog system?

Are you saying when you use your remote start, 4 seconds after triggering to start your alarm rearms? Why do you want that?

huskyfan23 said:
Are you saying when you use your remote start, 4 seconds after triggering to start your alarm rearms? Why do you want that?

Sorry for the delay replying...

The starter is a Prostart CT3100, sold in Canadian Tire.
Here's what is in the starter's user manual :
PIN #14: Rearm(-) Provides a 1 sec pulse 4 secs after remote start, and 4 secs after run timeout or remote shutdown. Will also provide 1 sec pulse when doors are locked by remote.

I got the info from bulldog's web site cause can't find it anywhere, so I use this:
NOTE*** For the Dome Light Supervision or for an Alarms door pin trigger use these wires. For the DRIVERS DOOR use the YELLOW/BLACK (-) in the drivers door harness, for the DRIVERS REAR DOOR use the LIGHT GREEN/YELLOW (-) located in the drivers kick panel. In the PASSENGERS KICK PANEL use the GRAY/RED (-) for the PASSENGERS DOOR and for the PASSENGERS REAR DOOR use the PINK/LIGHT BLUE (-) all of these wires are (-) Negative triggers and MUST BE DIODE ISOLATED when connecting to an alarm system. For DOME LIGHT SUPERVISION just use the DRIVERS DOOR YELLOW/BLACK (-).

I used the yellow/black in the driver's door harness and conect it to the PIN #14 of the starter, this way the car arms the factory alarm when locking the doors from the starter remote, is the only way I found to do this.
If anyone knows a better way I really appreciate that. The car arms and disarms ok when using the starter remote, but the alarm goes off if the doors are locked and you remote start the car.

thanks in advance...
