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All Ford Nationals and Paragon run, (PA) May 2003!!

I hope Y'all know what today is..

HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY, FORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I kinda like the GT500. I don't have video of Lizards rant so I can't really compare the two.

okay, I'll throw out some more here...

When Jeff, Susan, Rachel, me, Bri and Parli were all scoping out the stangs and Rachel made like she wanted to pet the nice GT 500 KR that the owner had just mentioned was insured for over $100K....I've never seen Draper move so fast in all the time I've known him :D


Doug waltzing into our hotel room with a lampshade on his head :rolleyes: Racing Mike up 81 was a blast, too... And only Cj and I heard him do it, but Chris's rewording of a certain Sublime song was hysterical :eek:

my favorite thing would have to be making it up whompun hill.

Originally posted by Doug
my favorite thing would have to be making it up whompun hill.

Been there, done that----with open axles :D

I hate you two

Originally posted by Doug
my favorite thing would have to be making it up whompun hill.

been there done that with open axles and 3.27s! (but then again, also didn't do it once with a locker and rolled backwards down the hill)

I know I forgot to say it yesterday, but Happy 24th Birthday, Matt!

Hope you get something better than underwear and socks, lol :D

Yeah, I got a plane ticket home to go visit my folks and some friends. So it was pretty badass and enjoyed the hell out of myself. I've also decided that I'd like to move to Nashville or maybe Memphis in late Auguest or early September so all the mods that I had planned are all going on hold for a few months until I finish moving.

Matt glad to hear you had a good time, we where all wondering when you where coming back. If you don't already know we're going out to mahwah again this weekend.

Yeah, Dave called me about that today, sounds cool, and of course I'll be there.

I've also decided that I'd like to move to Nashville or maybe Memphis in late Auguest or early September

Don't goooooo!! We're gonna lose our coolness factor!!!!! :p

Well you know me and my fondness for namebrands and all.

well, TN is a lot closer to Tellico than NY, we will have a hookup down there now too, just make sure you have a garage:p

OK... I finally got the video of the GT500 hosted so those of you I couldnt email it to can finally see it.
vid 1
vid 2
vid 3

Yo CJ u got anymore vids of when we were doin doughnuts, u can email them to me at

WOW old link,...........but good idea to get it started again Spaz,........Oh yah do you want any more of my Rancho lift for Tank,........and i have spare front beams,..and a whole rear. If you want it all let me know.
