All those with diamond heads & corners | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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All those with diamond heads & corners

Just thought I'd check in here and see if any of you are willing to part ways with your OEM lights on the cheap. I took a snow shovel off the driver's side headlight and parking lights on my way home from work yesterday (at least I think it was a snow shovel!!) and it smashed 'em both to smithereens. It also took out the adjusters, so I need those too... the headlight lenses alone won't be enough.

Please PM or e-mail me ASAP if you've got a set you'd be willing to part with. I only need the driver's side headlight and parking light, but would be happy to take the set (for the right price).

Thanks, gang!!


(p.s. the only other damage it did was put a nick the size of a fingernail cutting in the plastic bumper cover.... I was amazed there was no sheet metal contact!)

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You hit a snow shovel?
If yes you are the second person this week to hit pieces of a snow shovel and break your lights, this must be some sort of phenomenon?

I will be on the lookout for shovels I think......

I will be on the lookout for snow:)

The snow is coming tonight.... they're calling for 4-8 inches, and, of course, my Explorer is out of commission. :( Luckily, I have a back-up vehicle:


She floats much better when the temps are down in the single digits like they will be tonight. :)

Any lenses yet?


Might want to post this in the Wanted Thread insted of here. Alot more people will read it.

I did.... didn't get a response there either.

I went ahead and ordered some the other day. :dunno Oh, well...


BUMMER! I JUST put clear heads and corners on a week or so ago on my '97 Sport, and would be happy to sell you mine CHEEP, just to get the box out of my garage. Can you cancel your order? -Jim

Nuts!! Could've used you a week ago!!

I doubt it.... Calling them right now....

Double-nuts! They'll be here tomorrow.... :( :(

Thanks anyways. Maybe you can help out some other shovel-smashing soul before winter's done. :)


Ohhhhhhhhh well...

Random question: what make and model is your grill guard? It's pretty sweet.

I'm trying to decide if I want to get a safari bar or grill guard to mount some driving lights on my rig, or if I just want to post mount them on the top of my bumper. :D Thoughts?

I drilled through the bumper for my KCs.... Need to update the pics too.... Maybe after I get the headlights back in tomorrow, if I remember.

I had to make up a spacer to get them high enough to clear the back of the light. The bumper has a pretty good curve under the plastic that I couldn't see, and once the lights were in the hole, the back of the housing hit the front of the grille, and the power wire conduit couldn't make the bend around it.... I punted, made up the spacers out of some 304 stainless we had laying around work, and viola!

I might have some pics right now.... gotta look....


Hey, thanks a lot, Joe! You rule!!
