Alternater bad??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Alternater bad???


Well-Known Member
March 28, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Belvidere, Il
Year, Model & Trim Level
92' 4X4 Sport
Ok- I'm on my way to work this morning, and about halfway here, I start hearing this strange knocking/deep rattling noise coming from under the hood. Then I notice my battery light is on, and the battery gauge is much lower thatn normal. I still had full use of lights etc. I get to work and pop the hood, and the noise seems to be coming from my alternater. I started the truck about 3 hours later, and it still starts, but has the same symtoms.

It has been raining like hell out here, and I had to go through some minorly flooded roads

I need to know if I need to replace the alternater, the regulater, or the battery. I am guessing not the batt. cuz it still starts just fine. And am I correct in saying that driving home(50 miles away mostly highway) wouldnt be a good idea until fixed?? Any help would be greatly appreceated. thanks in advance.:(

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Good assumption. Do not drive all the way home. You will not make it 50 miles. It does sound like your alternator. I had a very similiar incident about 6-7 months ago. I'm not quite sure how far you can go on your battery, I never had to go more than 20 miles. If you have to though, be sure to turn off as much electrical stuff as possible; ie.. no radio, no turning blinkers, no wipers (hope its not raining anymore). That will allow you to conserve as much power as possible.

You will have to pull out your alternator. Its not hard at all. Just be careful with some of the electrical clips. Before you decide to buy a rebuild, check the brushes (little metal cubes) on it. Many times this is all that needs to be replaced and its like $10. However, if you have bad shaft bearings, or groves were the brushes make contact, go get a new one. Hope this helps. If you have more problems just hollar.

Thanks a bunch for your help! I took it to Sears automotive for lunch, and they had never heard such a noise, so they were no help. I took it to Jewel and back to work, and it started just fine. Symtoms still there though. I still havent made up my mind about driving it home. I probably shouldnt, but trying to find a ride from here to my house-almost 50 miles away- is going to be a pain. Wish me luck! Thanks again.

If you want to try, take it to the nearest checker or autozone and let them charge up the battery for free, then go for it. It sounds like you already have driven quite far on it, maybe you should try to go home with it. It'll be close though. 99% sure its your alternator. Oh, be sure to check ALL of the fuses after you put it or the new one in. One blew on mine and I couldn't figure out why my battery light was still on; turned out to be the fuse that connects the battery and alternator together and allows the Ex to run off the alternator and not the battery.

you probably will not make it too far on just the battery mine went in my ranger w/a 5.0 ho and the thing ran off the battery for about 15 minutes......fuel injection, computer...ect...ect take alot of juice to make em work....
good luck

Well, I made it 25 miles away to a friends house, on just the battery. By the time I got there, it sounded like the alternater was going to explode. I changed out the alternater on saturday, and all the bearings fell out of the bad one!! Then I started frekin out cuz the new one wouldnt work. Then I remembered the fuse, checked it, and yes, it was blown. So ?120 bucks later, all is better. Thanks for everyones help!
