alternator??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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June 15, 2007
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 sport
i have a 1997 explorer 4.0L sport. I am waiting on new battery cables and a new battery. but i have recently experienced some bogging down while driving at about 30-50 mph. It started one day after cleaning the MAF...which i believe could be the problem but i thought i would ask some of you guys. Do you think that it could be the alternator causing this...or maybe just the bad cables?Should the alternator beable to handle the load of the engine without the battery?

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I wouldn't recommend running without a battery. The battery acts as a voltage regulator to the rest of the system.

i have a battery in the truck it's just not holding a charge very well... if it sits for a couple hours it's very hard to start. but after running for a little bit then shuting it off, it starts right up.

yeah, i have a ****ty walmart battery inthere. it's about three years old. it has a tag on it that says 3 year free replacment so i might just take it down there and see if they will actually live up to their word...

but what about the bogging you guys think it is from the MAF or the battery/cables
