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Amp Problems


Active Member
February 2, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
SB County, Killafornia
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT 4x4
i just installed 4 infinity kappa speakers on a 4 channel SSL amp (400 Watts) and now my front speakers on channel 1 cut out and channel 2 keeps working at a certain volume level. and i have to turn off the stereo and turn it back on. before i had 4 pioneers. can it be because of the ohm difference the kappas are 2 and the pioneers were 4 ohms. any help can be appreciated :)

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Sounds like the amp is going into protection mode due to the lower ohm load...

need 4 ohm speakers

ok thanks alot for the help. also any recommendations on cheap but ok 2 ohm 4 channel amps? Also i get engine noise through my door speakers. one friend said that its the amp because it cheap and doesnt have good filters inside of it and another one said its my deck. any suggestions?:exp:

not to sure about the noise. I have the cheapest amp out there. I think it was $69.00 full price and I use it for the back subs and I have the factory amp running all the door speakers

the factory amp is 80 watts and the after market is about 100 watts

my head unit is a premeir from walamrt so you can't get much cheaper and I have no noise issue.

I would check the type of spark plugs and wires you are running. they should be a suppression type wire and plug. most are these days

not to sure about the noise. I have the cheapest amp out there. I think it was $69.00 full price and I use it for the back subs and I have the factory amp running all the door speakers

the factory amp is 80 watts and the after market is about 100 watts

my head unit is a premeir from walamrt so you can't get much cheaper and I have no noise issue.

I would check the type of spark plugs and wires you are running. they should be a suppression type wire and plug. most are these days

my plugs are motorcraft supressor platinum's. and im running BOSS 8 Gauge Kit From Amazon

Try grounding the amp to a factory ground.
