multiple amps w/ speakers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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multiple amps w/ speakers


Active Member
December 16, 2007
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O-town, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 XLT
Is it okay to have my rear speakers running with an amp at 2 ohms 100 watts rms then having a second amp running front speakers at 4 ohms 100 watts rms? The reason I ask is I was looking at getting the infinity kappas that run at 2 ohms, 100 watts rms, however they only fit in the rear. I can't find any other speakers that will run at 2 ohms near that rms watt range. Also is 100 watts rms overkill for speakers or will around 60 be more than enough? Thanks.

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6.5 inch speakers will work in the front if you make adapters. I believe you can get those in two ohm version with either two way or three way setup.

I would say 100 rms would be fine if your speakers are tuned properly, distortion is what really kills speakers.

Would it be easy to fit the tweeters in with the speakers if I don't want to drill or cut away at my doors? Also is it hard to make adapters I really don't know what to do, that sounds like a great idea though.

The thing is i thought all 4 explorer speakers are 5x7 , i know that they are in my 98 sport, maybe they changed it later on.

Would it be easy to fit the tweeters in with the speakers if I don't want to drill or cut away at my doors? Also is it hard to make adapters I really don't know what to do, that sounds like a great idea though.

Making adapters is very easy. All you need to do is take the stock speaker out and trace them onto 1/4" mdf or high grade plywood. Then cut them out. Basicall you are using the stock speaker as a pattern for what you need to fill the hole.

Sorry for the double post.

The part number is 82-5600

I squeezed 6 1/2's in my doors. Alpine type x. They came with the adapter but I have know people that have used the exact adapter from Installer. Good luck. Here's a pic of mine in the door.


Will only amping 2 speakers overpower the others running off the HU? Also if I do this, is it better to amp the front or rear speakers?

Amp the fronts.

The part number is 82-5600

I squeezed 6 1/2's in my doors. Alpine type x. They came with the adapter but I have know people that have used the exact adapter from Installer. Good luck. Here's a pic of mine in the door.


That looks VERY familiar! I like the Type-X comps. I took a chance on them, and I'm glad I did.

Cool I see you did. How bout the midbass from them? I was very pleased. What did you pay for yours? I got mine at Online car stereo for $198. And one more thing....How much power are you giving them?

I paid right around that. I'm running mine active with 110 watts (birthsheet) to each driver. I'm WAY overpowering them, but I won't hurt them. I put the tweets in the kick panels. Midbass isn't as strong as some that I've heard, but it is more balanced, so equalization to achieve smooth sound isn't a requirement. I'm crossing at ~65hz and 2800-3000.

soo if I did amp just my front speakers, will my rear speakers still be getting 18w each from my HU, or will it double due to it not having to power the fronts. If I got 36w to the backs I may not bother getting another 2 ch.

soo if I did amp just my front speakers, will my rear speakers still be getting 18w each from my HU, or will it double due to it not having to power the fronts. If I got 36w to the backs I may not bother getting another 2 ch.

If you amp the fronts with a 100 watt amp and run the rears off the hu.....First of all you don't want to run 2 ohm speakers off the hu. The hu will most likely heat up and shut down. Hu's arent meant to be run any lower than 4. Try the fronts amped and see what you think. If you really want rear fill then get a small amp for the rears. I used to like rear fill til I put my Alpine X comps in the front doors. Now I have the fade all together to the front.

I have a 2 channel amp running four speakers... however i don't have fade control that way. I will move to a 4 channel amp when i get new speakers, i just have cheap ones in there that don't sound that great anyway.

That works......Lots of great deals for speakers on the net.
