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Amplifier question


Well-Known Member
August 13, 2001
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1995, XLT
I have a Boss 1200 watt amp powering (1) Audiobahn 12 inch sub rated at 700 watts RMS. My question is, why does it seem like this amp has too much power for the subwoofer. Like I'll turn the bass control on the head unit all the way up, and ill go back and play with the bass control on the amp and I can only have it up like around halfway, before the sub starts sounding like crap, like it has too much power to even bump and is all distorted. I assume the RMS of the amp is around 600 watts RMS which should be fine for that sub or am I missing something? Well thanks in advance for any help.

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Yeah that plastic part does rattle some especially if I touch it with my hand! Do you have 600 watts RMS goin to yours, or just 600 watts? The old walmart box I used to have the plastic piece rattled even more but I have since gotten a custom ported box for it. Does your back door rattle a lot? Mine does, I think I need some dynamat for that... Im thinking the problem I stated earlier that I am having, could be just an incredible amount of distortion because I have the stock head unit. Im sure leenjen will have something to say once he gets wind of this thread. :)

Does your back door rattle a lot? Yeah that plastic peice rattles some, but not alll that much.

If its distortion it could be coming from the headunit or amp, not the sub. I would turn the bass on the headunit down. Like if its a +/- scale then set it at 0. Also make sure your gains are set right. Your gains aren't meant to be all the way up, neither is the bass boost. If you know all of this and think its a different problem nevermind, but I think if your sub is rated at 700 RMS and then your Boss shouldn't over power it unless you turn it up high enought to get distortion from the amp.

exactly. the headunit's bass should not be turned all the way up. i think 0 sounds the best, but you shouldnt go much higher than +2.

another thing is dont crank the gain. that just causes lots of distortion. and that will hurt the subwoofer and shorten the life of your amp. your subwoofer can easily take 700 watts of CLEAN power.

and make sure your enclosure is the right size and is built (and braced) well.

Um...and if you've got a bass boost on that amp...(don't know BOSS products) turn it ALL THE WAY OFF!


