Another "My rear end whines".... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Another "My rear end whines"....


Active Member
May 11, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Toms River,NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT
Ok so iam just starting to notice that my rear end is this good or bad?am i hurting it more if iam driving it..what can i do to fix it? thanks alot!

(02 4wd v8)

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I have an 05 XLT and at about 40,000km mine started to whine on the way back from B.C. I took it back to the dealership and they replaced the gears in the rear end. It was good for 2 weeks and then started to whine again. BTW I noticed it at about 80km but the second time it was at 30km. Took it back and they told me a bolt backed out and they fixed it again. 3 weeks later I'm back for more. They replaced the gears again. good for a few more weeks and whining again. I took it back a total of 9 times. I thought I would let them exhaust everything and then I wouldnt have to fight for a whole new rear end. In the end I didnt have to fight for it they replaced everything to do with the rear end. Problem solved. I have 76,000km and it is great still. I have to say the dealership was great they paid for rentals and bent over backwards for me.

Good luck no warranty means Large $$$ for you maybe. The only thing that fixed it was a totally new replacement. Again Good luck

I had a 99 XLT V8 that had a rear end whine at 43K when I bought it.
3 years later at 80K it still whined when I traded it.
Never got worse so I just lived with it I guess.

Now I noticed my 03 Mountaineer is starting to whine at 42K.
I just turn the music up louder. :)

mine whines, but I just deal with it. its out of warranty, so im not gonna pay a lot to fix it since its not hurting anything.

Mine does too. On the highway about 70mph it has a pretty loud whine when I am on the throttle. I changed the fluid which looked just fine and went to synthetic but the noise didn't change. So far so good... I'll just keep an eye on it and watch for any changes... I guess

Take it back theres a repair tag out on them from ford. They have a kit to fix it.

Mine does too. On the highway about 70mph it has a pretty loud whine when I am on the throttle. I changed the fluid which looked just fine and went to synthetic but the noise didn't change. So far so good... I'll just keep an eye on it and watch for any changes... I guess

Same thing here... highway speeds with my foot on the gas. I've had it for almost a year now, the whine isn't changing, and I'm not having any binding, so I plan to just leave it for now.
