Anti Theft-causing car not to start | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anti Theft-causing car not to start


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March 3, 2014
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2003 Ford Explorer Limite
So im using my husbands page to write this. ALso we are new to this site and thanks for reading.
About a week ago we had locked are explorer and thought we locked the keys inside. So i call our roadside assistance and they came to unlock it. Come to find out the keys were nowhere to be found. So the antitheft system kicked in and everytime you openned a door it would start beeping for a couple minutes. My husband unhooked the battery that way we could look everywhere in the car without it beeping. He finally found the keys today believe it or not in his vehicle. Well we go out to hook the battery back up and it automatically starts to beep again and he hit the alarm button on our remote and it stopped. He gets in the car, turns the key the lights pop on and radio turns on but when he goes to start it, nothing and everything shut off. So we get out and lock it unlock it with the key a couple times try it again and nothing. I got online and seen where if you disconnect the negative battery wire it will reset the computer and anti theft. So we went out to do that. When he got in the explorer the left light was blinking like it normally does when running properly. So he thought maybe its good, tries to start it and nothing. So he disconnects the negative battery wire waits 15-20 seconds and connects it again. We got in the car and this time the anti theft light was solid, no lights no accesories. So pretty much we are stuck. I really hate to have to have it towed to a mechanic but dont know if theres something else to do. We would appreciate any help at all! I just want my baby back lol.
Chrissy and Jake

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I may have overlooked it, but did you lock/unlock with the alarm fob? Or the key?

I think you can stick the master key in the door and lock/unlock 4 times or something like that, than try it.

Well, while we are waiting for you to check back in.....

If the fob is no longer tied to the car due to the module being reset, you may just need to re-program the fob to the car.
It sounds like you've yet to disarm the car with the fob. Until this is done it most likely won't start.

Sorry about not responding right away. Thanks for all the input. I called my ford dealership yesterday and he told me to unplug the battery for awhile then hook it back up. Then he told me to lock it and unlock it with the remote. He said this should let it recognize me. I did all that and it still just turned on my radio and ligths and soons i went to start it, it shut everything off. When reconnected the battery the antitheft was blinking like it normally does when everythings working, soons we turned the key it went solid. We left it be and started walking back on the porc and my headlights flashed once. I should of tried to start it up but i didnt. The dealership told me to try all these things at home before bringing it in, luckily they arent trying to just get money out of someone. But he said if i have to bring it in, it will be $70 for them to reprogram it and make me a 2nd key. Im at a loss we have tried the unlocking and locking with key(several diffrent ways), weve tried locking and unlocking with remote, weve tried putting the key in and turning it to accesory for 5 minutes, weve tried disconnecting the baterry. The car was running perfectly til we had roadside assistance come and unlock it. So i know nothing is wrong with it. We most likely will have to have it towed to the dealership.

Did you follow the link I posted? It programs your key fob to the car. Which is what it sounds like the dealer is going to do, but for $70.

Also a silly question, and its probably not it, but get underneath or whatever and check the wires going to the starter, It could be pure coincidence that the starter wire for the solenoid came off and the truck just does nothing when you put in the key and turn it. This happened to our jeep :p its also a free check, just make sure all 3 wires are attached.
