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Any events or runs in ontario canada????


March 20, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
hamilton ontario canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 eddie bauer
finally got my truck going and was wondering if there were any runs close by???

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I don't know of any runs but me and a few guys get together once in a while down here in the Niagara area. I like to go as much as possible. There are a couple of good places to play around here. Not too many though. Are there any good trails around there? Write me back and we'll do some wheelin some time. I got a few good pictures this spring of me pulling out a cheby, a Toyoto landcruiser, and another X even. I can send them to you if you want.

I also live in Hamilton Ontario, I cant even find a 4wd path nevermind an event. Where are the trails!? I want to bust this truck out!

there are some here in milton, but im looking for more...

Where are the trails!? I want to bust this truck out!

check out some of the local groups. Ontario Ranger Club on Facebook has quite a few members and there's a few of them they go out and do trails periodically. There's also a Southern Ontario 4x4 Offroad Club on Facebook as well. My understanding is that there aren't a ton of legal trails in southern Ontario or around the GTA. A lot of guys head East towards Bobcaygeon or North towards Parry Sound. Maybe check with OF4WD to see if there's a club more local to you.
