Any group buys for aries step bars | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any group buys for aries step bars


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November 22, 2011
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2014 Black Explorer Sport
Hi i know there is a group buy for the husky mats which i bought but i was wondering if thee was a grouo buy for the aries step bars? Thanks

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If you go back to the nerf bar thread, theres a link to a super buy on the stainless aries bars, 296 or so for complete set that includes shipping, got mine in 3 days.

If you go back to the nerf bar thread, theres a link to a super buy on the stainless aries bars, 296 or so for complete set that includes shipping, got mine in 3 days.

you're right!! I called them and they confirmed the price and free shipping. I'm planning to get the black aries nerf bars for $180.77 with all mounting parts and a K&N filter for $38.36. The website is Thanks for showing me this. This is going to save me hundreds.

Enjoy, happy holidays.

you're right!! I called them and they confirmed the price and free shipping. I'm planning to get the black aries nerf bars for $180.77 with all mounting parts and a K&N filter for $38.36. The website is Thanks for showing me this. This is going to save me hundreds.

Just a heads up - the stainless nerf bars look really sweet on the white platinum - someone had posted a pick in a nerf bar thread.

Just a heads up - the stainless nerf bars look really sweet on the white platinum - someone had posted a pick in a nerf bar thread.

I got the black ones because I wanted to make a more sleek look and have them not stand out too much with all that bling. Plus, they'll blend in with the black side panel really well. Just my preference.

I got the black ones because I wanted to make a more sleek look and have them not stand out too much with all that bling. Plus, they'll blend in with the black side panel really well. Just my preference.

Cool :). Please post some pics once you've installed them!



With the Ex/xlt, the black for sure, the limited with polished wheels, the chrome sets it off, I like both for sure..

they look nice. how much weight does it add?

someone mentioned K&N... is there a intake kit out from K&N?

someone mentioned K&N... is there a intake kit out from K&N?

I think it adds like 20-25 lbs. As far as the k&n, i don't think they have an intake yet. I just bought a stok k&n replacement.

Haven't seen one yet either!

I got the black ones because I wanted to make a more sleek look and have them not stand out too much with all that bling. Plus, they'll blend in with the black side panel really well. Just my preference.

What did the black ones run? When I clicked to link for Discount Hitch, I couldn't find step bars on their site. Were they around $180 shipped? How's the quality? How long did installation take and was it a direct bolt-on with no drilling?

What did the black ones run? When I clicked to link for Discount Hitch, I couldn't find step bars on their site. Were they around $180 shipped? How's the quality? How long did installation take and was it a direct bolt-on with no drilling?

It was 180 but although they say its free shipping on orders more than $100, they actually mean free shipping on non freight orders. I kinda figured that when i bought them. At first they told me it was free shipping but when they confirmed it was for non freight items, they only charged me an extra $40 instead of $150 so its a good deal no matter what. The quality was great with no scratches on shipment and all screws and washers included. Took me about an hour to install and was direct bolt on. Hope that helps.

It was 180 but although they say its free shipping on orders more than $100, they actually mean free shipping on non freight orders. I kinda figured that when i bought them. At first they told me it was free shipping but when they confirmed it was for non freight items, they only charged me an extra $40 instead of $150 so its a good deal no matter what. The quality was great with no scratches on shipment and all screws and washers included. Took me about an hour to install and was direct bolt on. Hope that helps.

Thanks. Are you happy with them overall? Debating these or a running board type. Don't really want anything but kids are demanding steps.

Thanks. Are you happy with them overall? Debating these or a running board type. Don't really want anything but kids are demanding steps.

Yes Im happy with them. They make the eexplorer look tough and sleek and the family loves it and its easier for them to get in. The running board makes the explorer look timid.

Yes Im happy with them. They make the eexplorer look tough and sleek and the family loves it and its easier for them to get in. The running board makes the explorer look timid.

Last question - who did you speak with? I called the number on the website and they quoted my $380 shipped. I can get them local for that price. Very interested at $180 plus shipping but will stay local if that price is no longer available. The $380 quote was for the black 4" oval bars.

Last question - who did you speak with? I called the number on the website and they quoted my $380 shipped. I can get them local for that price. Very interested at $180 plus shipping but will stay local if that price is no longer available. The $380 quote was for the black 4" oval bars.

I think it was Jose. With shipping, it came out to $220 for the black ones.

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Last question - who did you speak with? I called the number on the website and they quoted my $380 shipped. I can get them local for that price. Very interested at $180 plus shipping but will stay local if that price is no longer available. The $380 quote was for the black 4" oval bars.

were you able to get the same price as WhtX? im also interested if that price is still current.
