Any other parts for a tune up? Special tools needed? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any other parts for a tune up? Special tools needed?


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2009
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New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Limited
I'm getting ready for a Spring tune-up on my '03 Explorer V8. The list of items I'm thinking covers everything are as follows:

Air Filter
Fuel Filter
PCV Valve

Anything I'm missing from the list? Which plugs do you guys recommend and gap? Also, do I need any special tools to remove/install the fuel filter, plugs and PCV valve? Where is the PCV valve anyway?

I appreciate everyone's insight. This will be the first time I'm doing a tune-up on it.

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If your going to do the plugs, most guys replace the plug wires at the same time.

Air filter is of course the easiest thing.

There is a special tool for disconnecting the fuel filter but it will come with that in the box. The fuel filter is a PITA to disconnect and I broke the tool when I did it. Most shops won't charge you to replace the fuel filter so save yourself the trouble.

The PCV valve is on the passenger side valve cover.
Aside from tune-up you need to replace your diff and transfer case fluids.
Also the sway bar links needs to be replaced before they get rusted and become a PITA to remove.
I didn't replace my plug wires when I replaced the plugs, they seem to be OK and definitely will last longer than the engine (if you have a leak then it's a different story)

Check my 100k maintenance page for tools and pictures.


No plug wires on the V8 (it's coil on plug). Be sure to use dielectric grease on the plugs so the boots don't stick, use anti-seize on the plug threads, and don't over-tighten them. If you have a 3/8" extension that will lock onto the spark plug socket, it'll make things easier (otherwise you might leave the spark plug socket stuck down in the hole). If you don't, use a 5/8" deep socket to do your final tightening of the plugs.

Thanks everyone. And I assume the coil-on-plugs are still good at 100K miles? I'm also hoping I can easily get all these parts off. Everything looks pretty tight under the hood despite its big truck size.

. Most shops won't charge you to replace the fuel filter so save yourself the trouble.

Triton, is this a mistake in what you said here? Most shops won't charge you to replace a fuel filter? I do not know of any shops in my area that won't charge for that service. Even the quick oil change places in my area want around $60 parts and labor to replace the fuel filter on these Explorers and that is if the fuel filter lines come apart easily. The more time it takes them to do it, the more they will charge you. I stopped by one of these places after I bought my Ex last year and this is what the manager told me for a price on this service. I wound up finding a young kid (mechanic) with a lift in his fathers garage who did my fuel filter for $15 labor and it took him 20 minutes to do. He had to wrestle with disconnecting the fuel lines at first and he had all the right tools for the job.


Triton, is this a mistake in what you said here?

Actually your right lol...when I wrote that I must have been thinking of something completely different that I had done one time. My apologies.

If I remember they did charge me about $20, I thought I paid $0 because that's what I wanted to pay because the guy was being so damn slow, and I was watching him lol.

, I thought I paid $0 because that's what I wanted to pay because the guy was being so damn slow, and I was watching him lol.

LOL, I thought you may have made a mistake, because nothing is done for free these days. I've been in a few repair shops that have smart a$$ signs hanging up on the walls that state they will charge you extra $$$ to watch them work.
