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Which tune-up parts?


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2009
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New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Limited
I'm getting ready to do a tune up on my truck. Can you guys recommend some good parts (spark plugs, fuel filter, air filter, PCV valve etc.) and anything else I would need to replace.

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Go with simple (not multi-point) platinum spark plugs, not Autolite. Wix makes great filters for the price. You can get most all of it from rockauto.com for cheaper than anywhere else, plus use the forum 5% discount.

Motorcraft replacements...

Did I miss any replacement parts in the tune up other than what I listed?

I would get some MAF cleaner and clean that while you're in there. Other than that, probably not, if you don't have any codes. Not to worry- stuff will crop up... :)

Did I miss any replacement parts in the tune up other than what I listed?
Fluids, if the mileage is getting up there: transmission, differential, coolant, power steering.

How many miles??

Check the maintenance schedule it should be in the owners manual.

Fluids would be high in my book that way you know when they where swapped out, Coolant is a big one if high miles.

To summarize above and add a few things, if over 100k
Trans Fluid (i would prefer to drop pan change filter over a flush - just my .02c worth).
Power Steering (optional)
ABS fluid (optional)

spark plugs - motorcraft
fuel filter
air filter
PCV valve

Also inspect the and/or replace the
Clean the MAF sensor

Save your money for when something breaks. . .lol. .just kidding.

Motorcraft replacements...


I've tried other brands from the auto store and they crap out 3 times faster, learned the hard way.

The truck has 77K miles on it.

I'm wondering if there's enough space to work under the hood? Do I need any special tools to remove/install the parts? I haven't really dug under the hood too much yet.

With only 70k imo, I'd
Change the Diff fluids
Air Filter
Oil change
Rotate Tires and an Alignment

No special tools for this stuff. Once you get to 100k and the weather warms up in spring those other things might be a good idea. But imho i'd save money first see how it runs . . . .then go from there.

imo, I wouldn't worry about the Diff fluids either until 100k. Thats the normal service on those and a lot of times you shouldn't have to worry about them unless they have been submerged in water or you get an oil leak.

I am going to disagree with the two previous posts. After almost 80k miles, all of the fluids can benefit from being changed. I am at 100k now, and ALL of the fluids have come out looking (and smelling) very tired. Mine has been driven pretty gently for all of those miles, too.
