Any pictures of an explorer with black wheels? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any pictures of an explorer with black wheels?

I am looking for pictures of a 2nd generation explorer (preferably a Sport edition) in white with black wheels.
I am considering black wheels for my 2001 explorer sport and wanted to see how they looked with a white vehicle.

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I like how you painted your wheels!!

Did you painted by your own?

What procedure did you use? where do you get the paint? It is a canned paint?


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ok. I finally got tired of looking at everyone else's black wheels so I did it myself. Not bad. This was just a quick paint job. Once I decide if I like it or not I probably will get them powder coated and new tires.


I felt left out so heres a pic with my 01 Sport w/ 15x10 Crager StreetLocks


Okay that looks completely........


I really like your ride.... It was the 2-door Explorer Sport that got me so interested in Explorers.... I always told myself I wanted one but when I was finally in the market for a new vehicle, they were discontinued, so I got a '04 Ex.. I really wanted a black Ex so I could later do the black rims but they only had a white Explorer on the lot that had the options I wanted (or didn't want)....

Black rims can really be hit or miss... If you don't get the right rim and match it with the right type of tire, it can look like your truck is riding on a bunch of spare tires....

These are my favorite pics on this site - by FAR!!

I think you could put those black wheels/big tires on
a Toyota and I'd probably think it was cool.

Nah... Those are always dorky.

Now I gotta get to shopping!!

here's mine black wheels,


  • DSCF6071 (Small).JPG
    DSCF6071 (Small).JPG
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Heres mine


Heres my rims i just put on mine, had to get black since i murdered everything else out ;) 18x9 black saleen rims. dont have a daytime shot yet.



Kickass truck, Rob! :thumbsup:

Here's mine:


Well since everyone is posting pictures of their black wheels, I guess I will jump on the bandwagon. It is a 92 sport, with the stock modular wheels powdercoated black.


Personally, this is the cleanest explorer I've ever seen. Please post more pictures or link me to a photo album! :thumbsup:

gonna be tough for that to happen , have not seen him online in a bit, and he sold it, when the front wheel fell off, on the highway,


Theres a pic of my stock alloy 16s painted with DupliColor wheel paint :D


With a full side view :cool:

This might sound stupid but did you have to do anything like sanding or applying some sort of rockguard before applying the paint?

Had my stock wheels and covers powdercoated black.

heres mine. black on black looked soooo good. to bad those tires went bald and i had to trade the set for new tires :(


I felt left out so heres a pic with my 01 Sport w/ 15x10 Crager StreetLocks


Do you have a lift on that at all I have a stock 03 Sport XLT im thinking about puting a 3.5-4.5 block kit on the back and cranking the keys to level it as much as possible and urs looks identical to mine but im running stock 16's and wrangler rt/s so im wondering if i need much bigger of a lift to add 35's

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Do you have a lift on that at all I have a stock 03 Sport XLT im thinking about puting a 3.5-4.5 block kit on the back and cranking the keys to level it as much as possible and urs looks identical to mine but im running stock 16's and wrangler rt/s so im wondering if i need much bigger of a lift to add 35's

blocks wont work on an explorer to lift they actually lower it due to the springs being under the axle
