Anybody ran Red Lake Trail before?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anybody ran Red Lake Trail before??

Positive Vibes

Elite Explorer
June 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Santa Cruz, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
Anybody ran Red Lake Trail before?? UPDATED

We were going to do Deer Valley but the friends in Santa Cruz want to do Red Lake Trail. Who's done it? How hard and technical? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Does anyone go off road or is this becoming a mostly on road site???????

Yeah, I sometimes wonder that, too! :rolleyes:

Where is this trail? I figure it's near Santa Cruz. Not all that many members live up that way, I think.

Gonna come down for the Big Bear run in Sept?

I've never heard of that trail.

I've done Red lake in my jeep wasn't too hard, either was Coyote Lake. I think your Explorer will do fine.

Well we found the trail and had a good time. I couldn't make it up the last part. about 100 yards from the lake. I was with two other vehicles and they choose the easy round about way (which I don't think we were suppose to do). I tried the hard way picked the wrong path and got hung up on a big rock. With some rock stacking I was able to get out and let some other people pass. It was getting late so I also had to take the bypass. I NEED LOCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!! And better rock sliders. My schmitty built saved me from damage but they sit to low and bend to easy.

The first year when I went up there in my jeep (which was my first 4wd, and I only had it for a few months) I did Red/Coyote. LoL, when I got home after the trip, I literally pulled my smitty's off by yanking them. Definately go with rock sliders.

Positive, how do you like your Xterrains? What size rim are you running? How are the 4.10s? I bought 4.56 hoping that they will work well with my 33s and 35s..

Xplodor: I like the Xterrains. I don't think I'm lowering the air pressure enough. I like the 4.10's, it's a daily driver and I do pull a boat. But then again I've never been in an X with 4.56's. I need a locker or even a limited slip, anything!!!!
