Anyone Have Some Leaf Springs Off Their Rigs? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone Have Some Leaf Springs Off Their Rigs?


Explorer Addict
February 13, 2002
Reaction score
Just a couple of quick questions for someone who may have their stock leaf packs off of their rigs.

Can you give me the eye-to-eye measurement? Can you give me the center pin distance (from front or back)?

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I dont know if its a difference with them on or not but i just measured mine on. The back is 31" and the front is about 26.5.

With the original springs from my 91 4dr laying on the ground and measuring straight across eye to eye is 55 1/2" and eye to center pin is 30 1/2" and 25 1/2"

Thanks Joe!!! That is exactly what I needed!!:D

If they are just sitting out, can I bug ya for one more measurement? If you sit the eyes on the ground (arch up), what is the height of the arch?

Thanks Again!

arch is 5 3/4"
I pulled these springs off my explorer because I thought they may be sagging alittle but when I put the springs from a 98 4dr on I did not see a improvment.

You need to swap in F150 springs, like I did. 1.625" of lift and a 1/2 ton of load capability.

Originally posted by Bronco638
1.625" of lift and a 1/2 ton of load capability.
Neither of which I want.:p

btw Bronc: I am reading your write-up right is a LOT to read!:D


I was waiting on getting some further specs on some leafs I was looking at, and finally got them. This is what I have found.

All-Pro Offroad sells Rear Long Leaf, 8-leaf, packs for 79-88 Yotas, but these packs are 9" longer than stock Yota leafs. Yota leafs are the same as Ranger width, and I assume Ranger width to be 2.5" just like Xs (someone please tell me if I am wrong about that). The Long Leafs end up being 56" long, only .5" longer than stock X from the measurement given above. All-Pro offers these packs in 3", 4", and 5" lift for Yotas, and designed for 3000-4500lb vehicles (close enough:D). Height from eyes to lowest leaf (total arc), from the vender, is 3" = 11.5", 4" = 12.25", 5" = 13". This would put the smallest lift they offer at about 6" taller than a stock X pack.

Okay, yada yada, all this means nothing if the center pin distance is way off from Xs. This was the info I was waiting for, and finally got. Center Pin measurement:
3" = 26", 4" = 26.25", 5" = 26.5". Again, looking at the 3" springs, this is only .5" off of a stock X pack.

What are you talking about Robb? What does all this mean?...................I have NO idea!!! :p But, for about 1/2 of what a set of Nationals or Denvers would run.........I will look farther into them!!!
