Anyone with TJM front bumper? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone with TJM front bumper?


Elite Explorer
May 30, 1999
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2015 FPIU
Did anyone buy TJM front bumper for their "X"???

I'm looking at the T17 aluminum for my 94...

opinions please....

I need one that can handle a winch...

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I have the steel TJM 15. No winch. The previous owner had a winch mouinted on it so it could take one, but i dont have any experience with it.

I like the looks and the construction is decent. Its a stamped piece with bolt on wings. Its not really heavy. It did add a good deal of clearance to the front of my Navajo (removed everything that hangs down -Air dam etc.

The bumper will flex a bit if the wings are hit - Im thinking of adding a brace to eliminated the flex. The winch is mounted right between the frame rails so I think the wich mount would be fine.

I like mine, but I didnt think that TJM still imported to the US?

they do have their website and there is says that they do have bumpers for all Explorers....

they list one for 91-94 Explorer but it's an aluminum bumper (no brush guard included) (T17) for about $550.00.... winch plate is extra... don't even know how much.... might want to give them a call.

They also list bumpers that have certain blemishes for much less than their list price... and they claim that these bumpers are still good to go with 1 year warranty.... blemishes? paint perhaps?

anyway, I need to know if anyone ever dealth with their aluminum bumper... T17...

thanks for your opinion though,

I wouldn't trust an aluminum bumper to winch off of

I know... it would come with winch frame... per their website. I just got an e-mail back from them... problem is I can't find a picture of that particular bumper anywhere.... want to see how it looks.......

talked to Ryan from TJM here in the States... they make bumpers that will fit any year Explorer.... this particular bumper that I want to buy has been discontinued as well as the winch mount frame.... a few bumpers are left and that's why they sell them so cheap..... no more winch mount frames are available..... that was the main reason I wanted to buy this bumper..... so now it's back to the drawing table...... looks like Cory is gonna build me one after all...
