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Anyway else to get crude out of the lines or is it a torque converter problem


Elite Explorer
September 2, 2018
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2000 ford explorer 94 xlt
Okay I know kinda vague topic. But I've had this problem with my 2nd gen for probably close to 3 months now. I've took enough a look at trying to get the transmission flushed out but the wonderful cold set in. Pretty much all my trusted shops are booked up or haven't gave me a call back. I just want to make this thing last through the winter. I was wondering if I did the auxiliary cooler technique if that would be sort of like using the flush.

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What’s the issue? Do you just want your fluid changed or do you suspect blockages in the cooler lines?

What’s the issue? Do you just want your fluid changed or do you suspect blockages in the cooler lines?
Blockage have already changed the fluid.

Blockage have already changed the fluid.
Well I guess I should actually change this cause to my research it actually sounds like I have a torque converter problem. My explorer keeps making rough shifts. Usually 1st 2nd and 3rd are fine when cold but when warmed up it shifts rough and flashes the od light. This is with od off or on. I can't seem to narrow this down.

Well I guess I should actually change this cause to my research it actually sounds like I have a torque converter problem. My explorer keeps making rough shifts. Usually 1st 2nd and 3rd are fine when cold but when warmed up it shifts rough and flashes the od light. This is with od off or on. I can't seem to narrow this down.
Sounds like the classic valve body issues

Get the codes.

flashing overdrive light = there are manufacture specific codes in memory, the transmission is telling you where to look
Could be a simple solenoid failure or worse, but pulling the codes with a scanner is where we start

for flushing cooler lines you need a product called Kooler Kleen made by lubeguard

If you want to clean the lines (doubt it would help), I’d disconnect them from the trans and radiator/cooler and use an AC flush gun (compressed air powered) to blow plenty of good solvent through, and follow up with plenty of air.

At that point, may as well get the cooler hot tanked.

If you want to clean the lines (doubt it would help), I’d disconnect them from the trans and radiator/cooler and use an AC flush gun (compressed air powered) to blow plenty of good solvent through, and follow up with plenty of air.

At that point, may as well get the cooler hot tanked.
Yep, or just replace the cooler but the real question is what's blocking it? is it clutch material or is it some foreign debris

Yep, or just replace the cooler but the real question is what's blocking it? is it clutch material or is it some foreign debris
Your asking me?🤔 see the thing is is it'll will run and shift great. Until the the truck meets operating temp. Then as I'm cruising
30-35 mph that dreaded light will flash. Idk if the tires are really putting that much stress on it. It still goes into overdrive. It will all the sudden shift like a truck. Where you can feel the gears the fluid and pan were surprisingly looked good.

Your asking me?🤔 see the thing is is it'll will run and shift great. Until the the truck meets operating temp. Then as I'm cruising
30-35 mph that dreaded light will flash. Idk if the tires are really putting that much stress on it. It still goes into overdrive. It will all the sudden shift like a truck. Where you can feel the gears the fluid and pan were surprisingly looked good.
Hmm this one is a bit confusing to me as well

Do you have the ability to read transmission fluid temperature?

With a vehicle this old, there's a possibility that clutch material has settled in the lower portions of the trans fluid cooler restricting flow resulting in the trans temp getting too hot.

You can use a length of hose to temporarily bypass the trans cooler, test drive and if the problem goes away replace the cooler with a new one. If the problem remains......I don't know.

Do you have the ability to read transmission fluid temperature?

With a vehicle this old, there's a possibility that clutch material has settled in the lower portions of the trans fluid cooler restricting flow resulting in the trans temp getting too hot.

You can use a length of hose to temporarily bypass the trans cooler, test drive and if the problem goes away replace the cooler with a new one. If the problem remains......I don't know.
See that's where I've heard flushing the cooler lines is what you want to do I've been holding off putting a temp gauge on there cause I've had to do this since I've done the vb. But like I said before I've now lost a shop I trust and both other are booked up or haven't gave me a call back.

See that's where I've heard flushing the cooler lines is what you want to do I've been holding off putting a temp gauge on there cause I've had to do this since I've done the vb. But like I said before I've now lost a shop I trust and both other are booked up or haven't gave me a call back.
I'll also try to find my obd 2 scanner that hooks up to forscan and I'll get codes

Many times it isn’t the heat causing the problem, it is the problem causing the heat

Mine would do similar after you drove on the highway about 10 miles. It would flash OD OFF and unlock the TC. Shifting was bangy from that point on.

My torque converter was shot, and I had a broken band

Many times it isn’t the heat causing the problem, it is the problem causing the heat

Mine would do similar after you drove on the highway about 10 miles. It would flash OD OFF and unlock the TC. Shifting was bangy from that point on.

My torque converter was shot, and I had a broken band
Honestly that sounds similar I think I torched a band the last time I drove it distance and it was not happy down shifting with cc enabled that was before the vb though.

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