are we kidding???? Attempted break-in | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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are we kidding???? Attempted break-in


Well-Known Member
September 2, 2004
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03 XLT
i am up at 5am due to my viper alarm remote alerting me at 230am saying there was a sensor set off, go out in the pouring rain to check out why my alarm remote is alerting me that something is up.. i had my truck backed in the driveway where i live and i walked up to the passengers side window to look inside to see what was up...

and then all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye i see 2 kids get up from the underneath of the front of my truck... and i was like yo??? the 2 kids ran off to their getaway car that was parked the next house down...

didn't know what to say or do considering it was almost 3 in the morning and i was still practically asleep and did NOT expect there to be 2 kids laying underneath the front of my truck in the pouring rain probably trying to figure out how to open my hood to try and cut my alarm wires or my battery wires..

i honestly thought that the weather set it off because the wind is whipping and its pouring... but nope.

they cracked the drivers side window with some sort of punch and its completely shattered, the only thing that held it together was the tint... and they messed up the key hole area to trying to get in like that..

i think they were underneath the front of my truck to figure out how to pop the hood to cut the alarm wires or the battery wires to make sure the siren didn't go off... but little did they know i had the viper remote alarm, they were so scared they had no clue i was standing right there on top of them.. i'll take some pictures tomorrow, i don't know if they damaged anything else.. too dark to see

if i had a gun they both would of been dead...

do you guys think this was planned out? now i need to get a replacement window since these newbs messed it all up.. they had no clue what they were doing it seemed like....

always something i'm tellin ya

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thats why i have motion lights. someone comes near, lights turn on, and if someone is there, they scatter like ****roaches. be lucky however THEY didn't have guns, or YOU could have been dead! sorry to hear about your truck however.

safelite will come out and replace it for roughly $150.

i agree with vroom... get some motion lights. these punks will more than likely be back. they obviously want something that you've got.

What a drag. My blood boils hearing about stuff like this. I hate thieves. When you think of all the time & effort put into getting your ride where it is, and all it takes is a couple of low lifes a couple minutes to take that away from you....Grrrrr.

The motion sensor lights are a good idea. But for more drastic measures(check your local laws) one could place a 220 line attached to a 20'x10' thick wire mesh screening under the vehicle. A throw switch inside the home. :)

Motion lights are the way to go. I have mine set so once you get to the foot of my driveway or into my yard they come on. I don't want these little punks anywhere near my GT, Mounty or any other of my cars. I used to have a problem of kids cutting through my yard. (there is a park behind my house) Now they cut through neighbors yard. lol If you use motion lights all the way around it will save on you electric bills but still give you the piece of mind.:D

But for more drastic measures(check your local laws) one could place a 220 line attached to a 20'x10' thick wire mesh screening under the vehicle. A throw switch inside the home. :)

I doubt thats legal anywhere, but it gives a nice visual. LOL

Damn man, thank god for the 2 way, at least they didnt get anything.

I would actually say head to a junkyard, and get your own glass, probably not even 50$, you'd have to get it re-tinted (shops around here do 1 window for 20$ if you got windows done by them before)

That blows. I've had vehicles broken into and I feel your pain. The fact they tried so hard to get into an alarmed vehicle in front of a residential home tells me they seem to know what's inside. Last time I had a vehicle broken into, my truck had been in the shop for something else, but a few of the guys in the shop were admiring the system I had installed. A week or so later, thieves tried the same thing as what you're going through. Alarm went off, but they kept working it on our driveway until something chased them away. The system was very stealth mounted and they seemed to know where where it was. They also seemed to know where I lived and not surprisingly, my address was on the workorder for the other work done. Too coincidental for me.

Re-trace your steps over the last while and think of anyone who might have shown interest in your truck. Those are probably the culprits or they know who did it.

They sound like amatures Little kids just lookin for a truck to steel sh!# from Like everyone else is saying lights help out alot once they go on they are usually gone i live in queens and it usually is the junk yards that send out their little minions to get new parts I caught one once with my civic they stole a shift knob spiderman floor mats and other crap not worth anyhting..anyways i highly doubt that the same guys will be back if they were looking for an explorer just by looking at this community they dont have to look far for another one...possibly w/o a viper alarm...If you have full coverage on your truck they usually have glass coverage the rates dont go up at least in NY..

Man, I would keep a shot gun handy for now on. Next time you catch any of this crap happening again, you would be able to play with them a bit and scare the living sh^t out of them to deter them to never come close again.

Its called the Castle law here in Texas;)

dang that sux yeah u should get motion lights we have one by the front door and one on top of the garage they come on when someone or some it senses it comes on. we are going to get one for the side of the house and backyard as well.

What a drag. My blood boils hearing about stuff like this. I hate thieves. When you think of all the time & effort put into getting your ride where it is, and all it takes is a couple of low lifes a couple minutes to take that away from you....Grrrrr.

The motion sensor lights are a good idea. But for more drastic measures(check your local laws) one could place a 220 line attached to a 20'x10' thick wire mesh screening under the vehicle. A throw switch inside the home. :)
Seeing that it was raining,a 110 line would have done the job fine,and saved U a little on your electricity bill.
ALSO-Be sure to file a police report.They may already have these guys and they need to know whats going on in the neighborhood.

Damn man, thank god for the 2 way, at least they didnt get anything.

I would actually say head to a junkyard, and get your own glass, probably not even 50$, you'd have to get it re-tinted (shops around here do 1 window for 20$ if you got windows done by them before)

i did that once, thinking it would just be a simple swap, but it's not.... unless you have that giant ass rivit gun. i guess you could use a small bolt and lock nut though.



Wow, that's going to be fun to remove. :(

Just an idea: If you use the wide clear packing tape and completely cover the outside of the window with it, it might stay together enough to remove without making a horrible mess. At least you can open the door when removing it and let the shards fall outside of the interior. I have found bits of broken glass years after I had thought I got it all cleaned.

Still a PITA, no matter how you slice it.

Be carefull about the if I HAD A GUN COMENT if they show retreat you can not apply self defense towards them and the fact that they were running away you would had done some time for them both being dead. HOWEVER!!!!!! if they had a screwdriver and ran towards you or one of there hands got cought in your shirt and you fell to the ground then its on. Those windows are easy to change and 50$ cost dont rivet the hold back on use bolts and loctite blue .

well a local body shop will be dealing with it.. i have full coverage on my vehicle so that's a good thing

Be carefull about the if I HAD A GUN COMENT if they show retreat you can not apply self defense towards them and the fact that they were running away you would had done some time for them both being dead. HOWEVER!!!!!! if they had a screwdriver and ran towards you or one of there hands got cought in your shirt and you fell to the ground then its on. Those windows are easy to change and 50$ cost dont rivet the hold back on use bolts and loctite blue .
Good advise on the Gun comment.
I cant help getting a visual picture though on them with Buckshot up their ass.

BODY SHOP!!!!!!!???????FULL COVERAGE!!!!!????? Well what abou the scratch on the side of your truck were they slipped cause of the rain and what they were using diced your door and fender and the wires they cut under the truck , now you need a 2500 wire harness from ford and the water that ruined your carpet and power seats and because you slipped on your wet brake peddle you ran through the side of your house and punched your oil pan and it leaked all over your carpet and well J/K I am glad your ok and hope you get the Exploder fixed .

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haha that's too funny..

i'm glad no one got hurt either and the damage was not too bad on my truck...
