Attempted Theft of My '92 XLT-Ignition Broken! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Attempted Theft of My '92 XLT-Ignition Broken!

You have to have a key for the release to work, a small paper clip or drill bit will work in the release but the right key must be used along with with the release. First four notches on the key operates the ignition last four notches operate the door locks

I'm reviving an old thread...This is a pretty good discussion about replacing an ignition lock cylinder - but I'd like to add a couple of things since I did the job earlier today on my 94.

You really only need to see the pictures in post #15 of this thread. To begin, as was already talked about, remove the upper and lower plastic cover around the steering column. This is made easier by removing the instrument cluster cover, moving the shift lever down out of the way, and by moving the steering wheel tilt as needed. Once the covers are off, there was some discussion about using a screwdriver or punch in the hole to release the lock cylinder. You cannot get a straight shot into the hole because the plastic collar (just behind the steering wheel) is still in the way. So I tried a 3/16" drill bit. The cylinder wouldn't release, and I seemed to be going down the same road the previous posters in this thread did. I figured the bit was too big, so I tried a 1/8" drill bit held by a pair of small vise grips at a 90 degree angle. This set-up was able to bend around the collar and go all the way into the hole. With the key in the "on" position, and the drill bit pushing in the hole, the cylinder released very easily. The new cylinder already had a key in it, and it (the new cylinder) was already in position to just snap it back into the hole.

The replacement was $18, including tax at O'Reilly's. I figure this will buy me some time until I can take the old key to a dealer and see how much a replacement will cost that uses the old key. That way I won't have to carry that extra key for the new cylinder I just put in.

Hope this helps someone...

key has to be in run position to pull there was a little piece of scrap in mine that made it tough jiggle jiggle jiggle
