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Aussie Locker Question


Well-Known Member
September 16, 2006
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City, State
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer 97XL
Thinking of ordering an Aussie Locker for the front, with my rear LS.

Anyone done so yet? and what about their warning about "Under no circumstances should the Aussie Locker be installed in the front of a full- time 4 wheel drive vehicle." warning?

I know my X isn't full-time, but should the BWM be in conjuction to this? or manual hubs?

Any suggestions will be much appreciated.


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If you are going to do the front, do the BWM. And if you try to use 4x4 in the snow, be prepared to have some steering issues. I was going to do the same thing, but after what I read I decided to leave my front diff alone.

yea, you will need to do the BWM or swap in a manual t-case.. and a front locker on the street, in the snow is a ***** :)

Thanks for the input, guess that won't work out here... As we live 6 months a year in the snow.

And I thin the GF would be a bit upset if I BWM'd the EX in the winter.

Back to the drawing board.

so it might be better to put one in the back then?

In the back wouldn't be so bad, but it poses its own set of driving challenges.

Personally, if you want something the GF isn't going to notice on the road, get a TruTrac torque-biasing diff for the rear. No clutches to wear out like a Trac-Lok, and (almost) full lockup when needed. It'll never let you down, and its operation is seamless.

But that's just me...


I am pulling the Aussie out of my Sport and selling it. My new EB has an open diff and I'm going to convert it to limited slip. I don't do nearly enough wheeling to justify the Aussie and the extra tire wear etc. And even in the back you need the BWM. Turning corners will engage your auto 4x4 and thats not so much fun in July with dry pavement. If you don't do a lot of off pavement driving you might want to consider something more streetable. If you off road a lot, go for the Aussie. Just my 2 cents.

I think the biggest problem is "streetable" lockers typically equates to a carrier swap (as most streetable lockers are full carriers and not lunchbox type) -- which means regear.

So not only does the streetable locker cost about twice as much as say an Aussie, but you also have to add in the cost of regearing (unless you can do the regear yourself).

I think the biggest problem is "streetable" lockers typically equates to a carrier swap (as most streetable lockers are full carriers and not lunchbox type) -- which means regear.

So not only does the streetable locker cost about twice as much as say an Aussie, but you also have to add in the cost of regearing (unless you can do the regear yourself).

Wouldn't that be close to the same as his rear LS?

And for me, can I not switch out my open carrier for a posi and turn my open to LS? I'm not putting the Aussie in my new EB.

I don't quite understand the question but a Ford-LS is totally different from the the true Detroits, ARB, and so on. "Limited Slip" is, technically speaking, incorrect for the device that is in the 8.8 axles. Its actually a "Limited Grip" because the clutch discs will eventually let go and after that, its an open differential. A true Detroit (for example) on the other hand is backwards and will initially pretty much feel like an open differential on the streets until you mash on the gas and the differential will lock 100%.

As for switching the Open differential to an LS, no you can not just swap carriers -- you have to reset the gears because carriers are not all the same and the deck plane for the ring gear is probably not the same from one carrier to another (which means re-set the gears). It would be far easier and probably cheaper to just swap the rear axle (the center section since you have an IRS).

Sorry if I was unclear, I'll make this quick as I don't want to hi-jack.

My new EB has 3.73 gearing, open carrier. Can I swap in a 3.73 LS carrier from another Ford 8.8 thus converting from open to LS?

My new EB has 3.73 gearing, open carrier. Can I swap in a 3.73 LS carrier from another Ford 8.8 thus converting from open to LS?
Yes but you have to reset the gears -- see my response about the different "deck plane"s on the carrier.

Thanks IZwack!! Appreciate the info.
