Auto Headlamps | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Auto Headlamps

2006 EB: I am looking for the fuse that controls the Auto headlamps. Where the headlights and interior lights turn on and off automatically.

I have searched but cant seem to locate the correct fuse. Don't want to have to pull each and every fuse at night to see which one works them.

Thanks in advance!

Do you have your owners manual? If so it will tell you every fuse and the AMP rating for it.

Yes i checked the owners manual and can't find the one for auto headlamps unless it's being abbreviated or it's technical name is something other then auto headlamps.
What else could it be called?

I just wanted to let everyone know that the automatic headlights are the same fuse and instrument cluster. I believe it's fuse #23. Just wanted to share that piece of information.
