Auto-locking hubs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Auto-locking hubs


Active Member
May 10, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Orlando, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Mazda Navajo
Did the '93 Navajo come stock with auto locking hubs? I saw this on e-bay...LINKY and noticed i have that on all four of my tires and I know the person i got the car from would NEVER put those on as an option.

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Like the Explorer the Navajo came with both Automatic and Manual hubs. I would assume base model vehicles came with the manual system whereas the upper trim models carried the automatic hubs (along with the electronically actuated transfer case).

What kind of hubs does your navajo have as of right now? Mine came with auto hubs but I've replaced them with the stronger manuals

noticed i have that on all four of my tires

Umm, you should only have that on your front wheels, which would be normal.

There is no reason that you would have auto hubs on your rear wheels. If that's the case I would recommend removing them. Perhaps that was one of the best mechanic scams ever pulled on the prior owner.

Umm, you should only have that on your front wheels, which would be normal.

There is no reason that you would have auto hubs on your rear wheels. If that's the case I would recommend removing them. Perhaps that was one of the best mechanic scams ever pulled on the prior owner.

Hmm thats a good idea... I'm gonna make some money off that one:eek::nono:

But seriously maybe the center caps fool you?
Here's a pic of the truck

Haha yea that way they'd break faster than the front auto hubs. Didnt warn make a full floating rear manual hub kit?

I could have been mistaken I'm going off memory, as the truck is sitting in the dealer parking lot right now.

well that looks like my front hub cap and mine is completely stock. now the rear should have a diferent cap mine has the cap with the line through the center but it is a stock hub. but for me i will soon be switching to a manual locking hub from warn.
