auto to manual swap in progress | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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auto to manual swap in progress


Well-Known Member
January 14, 2007
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92 Xplorer xlt 168k
ok so i've decided rather then to spend the kids college funds on keeping the a4ld moving along, to switch to a 5 speed. After an hour of searching the search button my question is still left unanswered, the clutch kit i have for it is Boss for a 4.0, the tranny came out of a 93 Ranger with the 2.9 am i gonna have a problem with that? or will it fit like a glove? Also I was wondering if the X's do indeed use hydraulic pressure to the slave to release the clutch, instead of a clutch fork? All comments appreciated, plz HATERS if i have indeed overlooked something on the search button, be kind enough to post me the link thanx in advance,

p.s. Waiting on parts to arrive and will post some pics if ya'll are interested.

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I'll be doing this shortly, so free bump, im watchin your progress so keep us posted! There are a few threads with a complete how to on this, but i dont know if they address your 2.9 question. Im lucky i got a 5 sp manual transfer parts ex for 200$

this might help ya

thanx a bunch man that answers my question ;) 410fortune is the man on these things and his answers are exactly what i thought. it will indeed work. so glad your along for the ride should be a short one once the parts get here. short but informative thats what im goin for here ;)

i just did this swap on my 2000 it was worth it and its all hydralic, make sure you get the right hose from the master to the slave on the tranny i guess there are different ones. check up in greenville at buds junk yard, he's got a lot of explorers up there and they are easy to get to for parts. the hardest part is the pedal swap the bolts up top suck if you have big hands like me. and i believe the reverse lights are powered by the black with a pink line on the plug that goes in to the shift selector on the tranny and the plug on the tranny just closes a switch.. to save you time.

sweet thanx man i got some of the parts in the garage i looked at briefly after i posted. yes i have slightly larger than "normal" hands lol thanx for the warning ill be sure to lot a little extra time for the pedals they should be here in a few days. thanx for the heads up about the reverse lights i was kinda wondering that very thing should be a snap now :) and yah Buds is great man had the flywheel right on hand ready to go by the time i got there so that was a bonus. i was really fretting about the slave being fully hydraulic since all the other standards i've worked on had shift forks, thanx for clarifying that aswell. I look to be in pretty good shap as of right now will let ya'll know when this project is finished and how it went..
Thanx for all ya'lls help

yea, he hooked me up when i was home on leave this x-mas. had an engine fire when the tranny cooler line burst and need some vacuum hoses.

well i've got most of my parts now just waiting on a few others. i've been taking my time and researching while i wait, to be most prepared. lately i've seen a few articles reguarding the auto to manual tranny swap needing 2" longer driveshaft in the rear and 2" shorter for the front..... anyone know if there's any truth to this? i measured my a4ld (had to measure 3 times bellhousing, tail piece, and main case) and come to approx. 30" while measuring the manual it came to about 29.25" my measurements could very well be off but was just wondering if anyone had any trouble with their driveshafts.......thanx in advance

well i've got most of my parts now just waiting on a few others. i've been taking my time and researching while i wait, to be most prepared. lately i've seen a few articles reguarding the auto to manual tranny swap needing 2" longer driveshaft in the rear and 2" shorter for the front..... anyone know if there's any truth to this? i measured my a4ld (had to measure 3 times bellhousing, tail piece, and main case) and come to approx. 30" while measuring the manual it came to about 29.25" my measurements could very well be off but was just wondering if anyone had any trouble with their driveshafts.......thanx in advance

my drive shaft bolted right up, didn't even measure before hand and i am running a first gen drive shaft up front. and a stocker in the rear with a first gen transfer case, i can measure the trannies if you want me to the auto is sitting in the carport.

from what i have gathered, the drive shafts are the same length

well after mocking up the the a4ld i've found that they are indeed identical in length so my drive shafts should work out just fine whew. just what i didnt need another bill. thanx for the input so far pics to come very shortly :D

beat me to it. just got done measuring them.. all that work for nothing.. gez

sorry man lol thought ya forgot about me :( but hey thanx i always like to have a second and third opinions on things before its actually before me. :D

nope just had to work tis all
