Auto to Manual tranny swap | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Auto to Manual tranny swap


Explorer Addict
October 25, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Bartlett Tn
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Eddie Bauer
:( Ok i have a 91 eddie bauer 4x4 with 379,000 miles on it and ive been through two trannys already and am in need of another one so i figured i might as well swap in a manual but im having a hard time finding information about this swap on here and if anyone can point me in a general direction i would greatly appreciate it.

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get another one from ford and dont worry about it.

Hello my fellow TN member. I hope you stay with the forum for a long time. I have also done this swap. You are looking for a M5OD Tranny. It will bolt up to the 4.0 I got mine out of a 94 ranger. I swapped the motor and tranny both. Motor after the tranny.

I would suggest you to look for a truck that has been crashed and buy it out. Thats what i did. I got a whole ranger for 175 and i got the motor and tranny and transfer case in mine. Sold a lot of parts off of it to cover the cost.

What do i do are ther covers covering the a hole in the floor where the shifter is supposed to go and the same for the clutch master cylinder

Yep. Just pull the carpet back and there are four bolts there. The cutch master cylinder aslo has a hole in the firewall that you remove.

If you get a full truck yll have everything you need. To get started.

Do you know where cookeville is?

Also be careful with years. 93-94 had minor emissions differences that your X doesn't have. Need to run the ECU that comes from the doner truck, or 1 from your year for a 5 speed.
I'm planning on doing this swap after the summer.

Guys how hard is this swap? I have a 92 auto with a bad trans, just picked up a 92 manual. Are there any wiring changes, or just the computer swap? Thanks,Steve

If I remember correctly, you have to worry about the clutch lockout (on an automatic, it has a jumper, if you want it clutch lockout you will need the switch)..

I "think" also, there was a plug to put in the connector that normally goes into the auto tranny, but I can't remember exactly what I read, but I'm almost positive I read it on this site.

Also, if you don't change your computer, you will need to either keep the solenoids from the a4ld (there are 2) connected to the wire harness, or just use two 23 ohm resisters on the wire so the computer still thinks those solenoids are working (I've done that on my X with the 700r4 swap).

