Autolamp mirror problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Autolamp mirror problem


March 10, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
valencia, carabobo
Year, Model & Trim Level
explorer 1991 sport, ohv
greetings from Venezuela, recently bought a rear view mirror Autolamp by EBAY, to prove I realized Autolamp output stays on .. just passing off the slide switch to turn off .. My question is this damaged the mirror or is there some connection aprte q should know ...

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i'm not sure I understand your issue/question, but perhaps this explanation of how Autolamp works will help you...

with the mirror switch in the OFF position, Autolamp does nothing. sliding the switch to the right, turns the function ON. this will allow your headlights to come on automatically when it gets dark enough. sliding the switch further to the right increases the time interval it take your headlights to automatically turn themselves OFF when you turn off the ignition (they can stay on for up to several minutes if the switch is to the far right, allowing you to get into your house).

that's all Autolamp does.

thanks for responding KODA2000 friend, this function does when the truck is on or off.? because I'm testing the mirror connecting each of the cables as some forums say this page, when slid right switch this on immediately and non off when the sensor is day or night .. off only when I slide the switch to the left mirror as when I disconnect the ignition

thanks for responding KODA2000 friend, this function does when the truck is on or off.? because I'm testing the mirror connecting each of the cables as some forums say this page, when slid right switch this on immediately and non off when the sensor is day or night .. off only when I slide the switch to the left mirror as when I disconnect the ignition

using only the mirror switch only, should not turn on the lights with the key OFF and they should never come on in daylight, only when dark with key ON.

oks, the mirror lights up when it's day .. should be that is defective, I will try to open it and try some internal electronic components .. I had it work correctly charming .: (. I'm not sure whether to buy one for that page ebay ..

autolamp reported that the mirror was not damaged as I thought, to install it in my truck and take a walk, I realized that this works properly, when there is no sunlight on and when this day is not light .. Now I only need to connect to the system of my lights, knowing that I do not count on the overhead console and many options that brought the vans full equipment,
sorry for my bad English .. lol lol: D
