Automatic Floor Shifter Available? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Automatic Floor Shifter Available?


Explorer Addict
July 20, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Southeast USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Sport
Hi all. I don't own an Explorer yet, but I've tried out several. They range from a 94 EB, up to a 99 Sport. I like the 2-dr's, and the SOHC 4.0 seems to have a lot more power than the pushrod engine.

Has anyone converted the automatic tranny column shift to a floor mounted shifter? Is there one available for the Explorer? I just think a floor mount shifter would have a better feel to it, and be "sportier"........

Thanks for any comments and opinions.

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There aren't any floor shifters in the US models but I know some exported Explorers have floor shifters. If you really want a floor shifter, try an imported one. I know for sure that the Japanese version has one but it's not worth converting.

Yes you can get one. I know this because I have one. Mine is an Aussie model though. I think the only difference might be the top plastic trim on the centre console. Mine uses a cable to operate the tranny, so I couldn't imagine it being a difficult changeover. I would put pictures on, but I don't know how.

Thanks for the replies, guys. This leads me to think that all the export Explorers were shipped with a floor shifter??? Ummm....If that's the case, maybe a stock Ford shifter is available somewhere. Looks like more checking is in order. Thanks again.

I have a question regarding the column shifter. On my Ex, I have noticed that on the dash there is a small section where it displays the gear your in. Now on mine it doesn't work as the T-bar displays the gear. I was wondering how I could get this to light up? Is it driven off the column shifter or is it fed from the gearbox?

Runnin'OnEmpty -- All right hand drive Explorers have the floor mounted shifter. One thing to consider though is the button to unlock the shifter is probably on the right side of the shifter and it may be slightly angled to make it easier to shift from the right hand seat.

Adam -- Are you saying your indicator guage doesn't light up or the needle doesn't line up with the proper gear? The needle is adjustable by a little plastic gear on a black plastic line under the steering column. Mine didn't quite line up right so I turned the little gear on the line to get mine centered perfectly. If the bulb is out, you will need to remove the gauge assembly to get to the bulb.

Originally posted by Robert
Runnin'OnEmpty -- All right hand drive Explorers have the floor mounted shifter. One thing to consider though is the button to unlock the shifter is probably on the right side of the shifter and it may be slightly angled to make it easier to shift from the right hand seat.

Also the indicators are on the Right side of the shifter, so if you bought one, the shifter would be in the way of you seeing what position you were putting the shifter into.

Maybe some of our friends in the UK or OZ could post a picture of the shifter and console for us.

Were you ever able to get pictures of the front differantial yet?

Below is a picture of the 2002 Austrailian interior. More can be seen at

Ray - I sent an e-mail to Ford Austrailia and their reply was that the Austrailian Explorer gets the same running gear as the US versions, including the differential. The Customer Service Rep then referred me to my nearest Austrailian Ford dealer for more information. They provided an Austrailian 800 number to find my nearest dealer, but even if the number would work, I could hardly drive there :)


  • austrailian explorer interior.jpg
    austrailian explorer interior.jpg
    33.8 KB · Views: 864

man thats just plain weird! After drving my truck ever day for the last 6 years thatjust looks weird, how do you get your left hand to shift and your right arm to sit on the window sill? If I was sitting on that side I would forget I was driving!!!!

Oh and just a thought, if you REALLY want to go with a floor shifter (for some crazy reason) you can do like I did, however it;s not gonna be easy in an Explorer. I have a 93 A4LD and 4.0L in my 88 BII. In the BII's they didnt use the column shifter until 89. Before that they all had floor shifters. This shifter will work with the A4LD, however the shift linkage itself in the transmission has to be swapped out (from cable shift to rod shift). There are also several other parts that would be needed and can be hard to locate, trust me. It took me several months to gather all the parts I needed to install teh floor shifter with the automatic. I have the shifter from a 2wd 86, the bellcrank assembly from a 84, the internal shift linkage (inside A4LD) from a 85 Ranger, the kick down cable bracket from an 87 BII, and much more.

It all works great together. Oh and dont forget you are still gonna have a handle and a shift selector on your steering column, removal of this would require the column from a stick I believe.

Can I ask why? the column cable shift setup is probably better, simply because it is cable operated, my bell crank **** assembly can allow the tranny to shift on it's own, from D to OD, and from 1 to 2 (real annoying in MOAB!!!)

Robert, thanks for the pic. That is one smooth console and shifter. I don't know WHY Ford didn't put that in the domestic models. (I guess the soccer moms wanted it on the column):rolleyes:

410Fortune, I previously owned an 84 BII, and a friend still has an 85 auto, so I am familiar with their shifters. Retrofitting one would be an option, but after reading about your parts chasing, I think maybe an aftermarket shifter would be the way to with the cable linkage. (BTW, that sounds like a nice BII you've built)

The wife likes floor shifters; we have actually never had a vehicle with a column shift. When test driving these Explorers lately, I find myself reaching down in the floor, instead of the column. It just seems more natural.

I am picturing myself in a late model Sport, Wedgewood Blue of course, with a floor shifter and Bullitt wheels.....:cool:

Robert- My indicator on my dash is electronic. So to answer your question, it dosn't light up. There is no needle. I'm not sure if it's supposed to light up either. I just wouldn't mind it to if was easy to do.

Ray- I did get pictures of my front diff. I finally bought a digital camera. The only problem is I don't know how to post them. I'm not all that sure it is a D44 as there were problems fitting the gear set in and so the guy ordered a new gear set from the States. I noticed the final invoice said D35 but I haven't quized him on it yet.

Lastly, the Aussie shifter uses a cable to shift gears.

Well that makes sense, to use an aftermarket cableoperated floor shifter. Not exactly an easy job!

My friend has a BII just like mine, with a 4.0l and A4LD< he chose to use a Hurst "run if the mill" floor shifter. It works great and uses a cable (all Explorer's use cable). It did take some serious fabrication and inginuity to get it in there and adjusted. I believe the shifter itself was modified for the 1,2,D,OD,N,R,P A4LD.

Now I would think it would be necessary to also convert the Explorer's steering column over to one from a manual, or at least the parts that make them different. Otherwise you would be grabbing at the handle and the floor to shift. I know my truck has been an automatic for a while now and I still try to push the cluch when I start it up sometimes.....

After looking at that picture it seems to me that the shifter and column are the same as the one in the TBIRD. I had a 95 and looked exactly the same. So if you want a start, there you go.

in addition to the t-bird, its also in the 96+ tauruses as well
