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AWD vs. 4x4


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August 14, 2008
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Greetings to all. This is my first posting so please bear with me. I am considering buying a 2003-2006 Explorer and need to know whether I should purchase one with AWD or stay with the 4x4.
A dealer told me that they don't sell the pre-owned Explorer's with AWD becasue of their problems. What problems are they referring to?

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Welcome to this forum! Do you go off roading or live in an area with a lot of snow? If not, then just get a regular 2WD version. You will save on gas, and extra repairs which are not necessary on a 2WD.

if i were u, from what the dealer told u about the AWD and why they dont sell used ones, i would go with a 4x4. i have had better experences with 4x4 vehicles then i have with AWD


I would go with the 4X4. It will save you in the long run.


Whatever the dealer told you about AWD is a load of crap. Plenty of users on this board have used 03-05's w/ AWD; especially us Mountaineer owners since all that was ofered was AWD. I bought my 2003 in May with AWD and it has been fantastic. Although, if I could've found a 2003 Ex w/ the options I wanted with 4wd I would've snagged it.

Whatever the dealer told you about AWD is a load of crap.

I'll second that. I have a '04 Ex 4.6 AWD. Great in the rain, snow, dirt, sand and two tracks although i'm not going to Moab with it. If you want to wheel off road, climb rocks etc AWD may not be for you as you can't lock it in 4wd Part Time, Full lock F/R, and a low full lock. AWD provides in most cases a ~70/30 split of power all the time but when the axles slip in relation to each other it should lock up.

Advantages of AWD is that completely mechanical nothing to shift or turn on, no Electronics to fail - no modules, no shift motor, and from what I heard it’s a pretty solid transfercase too.

Greetings to all. This is my first posting so please bear with me. I am considering buying a 2003-2006 Explorer and need to know whether I should purchase one with AWD or stay with the 4x4.
A dealer told me that they don't sell the pre-owned Explorer's with AWD becasue of their problems. What problems are they referring to?

He just didn't happen to have any on the lot on that day. :D You can bet your ass that if he'd had a creampuff Mounty out there he would have been gushing about the virtues of AWD vrs A4X4. Anything to get you into something right at that moment. Keep looking and decide for yourself.

Don't all 02 and newer X's only have AWD / 4X4 HI / 4X4LO? (Other than a 2WD'S of course)

Don't all 02 and newer X's only have AWD / 4X4 HI / 4X4LO? (Other than a 2WD'S of course)

all 4WD equipped X's 95 and up have A4WD, 4hi, 4low.

A4wd is not awd

just pointing out the A4wd is not All wheel drive, its auto 4 wheel drive

and my 95 4wd has 2wd,4 auto, and 4 low, no 4 hi option

Somtimes threads like this makes me worry about my 4wd EX.

I can't speak for the new AWD's because I have the Auto 4X4 in my '06. I do know that in my '98 that I had bought with 50,000 miles and sold with 106,000 miles I never had a problem with the drive system. I did rebuild the trans at 100,000 miles but that has got to be expected.

Just out of personal opinion and use of vehicles.

I see no place for full time AWD on trucks or SUVs.

I loved it on my Audi but the way I use trucks/SUVs.

I like to choose my options:
2wd Low
4x4 High
4x4 Low

I can't stand the Auto 4x4 Ford put on the Explorers. That's why I opted to do the brown wire Mod.

As for the problems with AWD the car salesman was just blowing smoke to get you to buy what was on the lot.

It all comes down really to what you use the vehicle for is you want AWD or 4x4.

AWD is fine for driving that don't include hard core off road use, it does great in the snow and rain as others stated so if you don't care that you won't be able to have a low range then awd should do the job for you. As previously stated the dealer just wants to sell you a vehicle and will tell you w/e to get you to buy what he has available.
