Bad Arm & Pivot Assy? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bad Arm & Pivot Assy?


October 6, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Gibbstown, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 XLT
Hey guys, was hoping someone would have some insight on a minor issue with my 96 X. I live in South Jersey and in the past few weeks my wipers have received a lot of use due to 25"+ of snow. After replacing the old wiper blades after they froze over, I noticed that my passenger side wiper didn't seat itself firmly against the windshield. Took a look at the wiper arm and decided that the spring underneath could just be old and worn out. So, today I replaced both wiper arms (they look great, old ones were losing their finish), but to my dismay, it still didn't seat flush on the windshield. When replacing the arm I noticed the arm and pivot assy that the arm gets mounted to had a lot of play in it.

So in order to repair/fix or even diagnose the problem I need to be able to access it. Can anyone tell/show me how to safely remove the plastic vents between the windshield and hood without damaging it? I've searched the site extensively and have found nothing.

Thanks guys.

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im in the same boat... my driverside wiper doesnt touch the windshield at all...

Apparantly the wipers n an explorer are the hardest thing and impossible to fix, because no one ever asnwers this question....Ive been searching these forums for an answer for hours.

BUMP ....

My windshield wipers are beating the crap out of themselves at the "park" position just below the bottom of the windshield when I turn them on .... lots of "slop" in the arms ... What to do ??? Help !!

i had to replace a squirter nozzle on my '01 XLT. i couldn't figure out how that stupid plastic piece comes off. replaced the squirter (barely), but broke the plastic and ended up gluing it back together.

Two screws and the cowl should snap out of its clips. The rest is just nuts and bolts.

According to my Haynes manual, for 91 to 96 models it says to' remove the wiper linkage cover', well I guess so. But it doesn't say how to remove it. On 97 and newer models, there are supposedly screws on either side of the vents to remove so you can access the linkage. Someone in the past has broken my cowl cover on the drivers side, probvably trying to remove it. I will go look at mine when it gets lighter and see if there are screws or not.

Hey guys, was hoping someone would have some insight on a minor issue with my 96 X. I live in South Jersey and in the past few weeks my wipers have received a lot of use due to 25"+ of snow. After replacing the old wiper blades after they froze over, I noticed that my passenger side wiper didn't seat itself firmly against the windshield. Took a look at the wiper arm and decided that the spring underneath could just be old and worn out. So, today I replaced both wiper arms (they look great, old ones were losing their finish), but to my dismay, it still didn't seat flush on the windshield. When replacing the arm I noticed the arm and pivot assy that the arm gets mounted to had a lot of play in it.

So in order to repair/fix or even diagnose the problem I need to be able to access it. Can anyone tell/show me how to safely remove the plastic vents between the windshield and hood without damaging it? I've searched the site extensively and have found nothing.

Thanks guys.
So I went out and looked at the cowl vents, no screws. But I do remember when the windshield was replaced, they just pried the covers off, CAREFULLY. I believe they snap in from the front. If you carefully pry from the fron, near the hood, they should come right off. Hope this helps you.

So I went out and looked at the cowl vents, no screws. But I do remember when the windshield was replaced, they just pried the covers off, CAREFULLY. I believe they snap in from the front. If you carefully pry from the fron, near the hood, they should come right off. Hope this helps you.

no screws, and i tryed prying mine off from the front but it still broke. i think the old plastic must just get brittle from the sun. i think i'd priced a new one from Ford and it was about $100. screw it. if it's gotta come off, it's gotta come off. if you're gonna pry on it, i suggest starting closer to the middle. maybe get an auto glass guy to show you how it's done. good luck.

removing plastic vents between hood and windshield

I just removed the driver side looking for a leak getting down to the driver side carpet .There is one screw and the rest are pop in holders I gently preyed up from the front . there's 3 or 4 in the front and two in the back. it is also slightly under the fender you have to pull it a little towards the passenger side to get it free. mine is a 1998xlt
