bad gas mileage | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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bad gas mileage


January 2, 2000
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I have a stock 91 sport and I get about 13 mpg. I dont know if this is regular, but can anyone tell me some ideas on how I could increase my mileage?


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You didn't say whether you were getting 13 mpg in town or on the highway. If you're in town, then that's about average. If that's on the highway then you have a problem. I have a ' 91 Explorer 4dr, with a stock 4.0 and I get an average of 21 mpg on the highway, 19.7 is the worst I've ever gotten,
and about 13-14 in town. As far as what to look for, when's the last time your Explorer had a tune-up? You could also look at your fuel filters and air filter to make sure they aren't clogged up. Or maybe get the fuel injectors cleaned out. How's your truck running? Has it lost power? If it has, maybe your catalytic converter is clogged up, and you might be have been putting your foot in it more to get it to move. Other things to look at could be your O2 sensor or the TPS unit. If either of these are not working correctly they could be sending more gas into the motor than it needs, and possibly effect your mileage. I hope this helps.



Thanks for the response.

It sort of has lost some power and today some said they saw blue smoke comming out of the exhaust. That mileage is mostly in town, but very light highway, like 13 miles one way to work and like 3 times a week.

What does a tune up intail? How much will that cost me?


How many miles do you have on your truck?
That blue smoke means, your burning oil. Dead Link Removed
Are you using any more oil than usual?
How long have you had your truck?
Do you know when the last time it was tuned up?

Happy Wheelin'
Ray L.
97 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC

What you need to do for a tune up on your Explorer depends on when the last tune up was and what was done then. If you're not sure you should probably change your plugs, wires, air filter,(might want to look at a K&N drop-in filter)and fuel filter. The price will depend on what kind of parts you want to ues; Champion vs. Splitfirespark plugs,etc. If you go with regular stuff at the local parts store, you'll prbably be looking at about $100-$120. As far as the blue smoke...that's never good. Try to have a friend follow you around the block and see if he can tell you when he sees the smoke. If he sees smoke when you're accelerating, that means your rings are worn out, and you'll probably be looking at a new motor, or at least a rebuild. If it smokes when you let off the gas, then it's sucking oil through the heads somewhere. It could be the valve guides, the oil seals, or in the worst case, a crack in the head. My guess is that if you've lost some power, and the motor is smoking, that it's probably your rings, and you're probably putting your foot in it more to get it moving, and useing more gas. The best way to find out is to do a compression check. If you don't know how, or don't have the tools, a garage should be able to do that at a small cost. By the way, how is it up in Sweet Home? I live up there for about a year when I was a kid, (1969) and I always liked it. Lots of places to go fishing! I'd like to go back there and do some four wheeling.

