Baffling issue - 1991 Explorer - no ignition | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Baffling issue - 1991 Explorer - no ignition


New Member
November 17, 2008
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City, State
Las Vegas, Nevada
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Explorer
Hello everyone - I'm new to the forum and i have a very baffling issue:

I just bought a 1991 Explorer 4x4 v-6 and the previous owner had an issue where in order to drive the truck, you needed to hold the ignition key in the start position. If you let go, the truck would die. There was also an issue with the ignition lock assembly where the silver part would just spin around on the lock.

I replaced the ignition lock assembly and while the steering column was unbolted, i somehow pulled the ignition switch apart! I just purchased and replaced the ignition switch and now nothing works. I'm getting power to the fuse box, the courtesy lights work, headlights work (no stereo so can't check that) BUT the truck doesn't turn over. It doesn't even click (solenoid). I don't even hear the fuel pump kick on.

So basically the truck is dead in front of my house. I've checked all the fuses in the fuse box as well as the power distribution box and all are good.

Any ideas? I'm really in a bind as this is now blocking my work car and i can't move it!

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mine has a bad key switch cyl ...... the silver part just spins around but the other functions are still there but you have to turn the key a little more forward to start the truck other than that it's fine.very common problem with the ford lock cyl.

if i'm not mistaken the key and actual switch is actuated with a rod inside the steering wheel houseing...maybe the rod is bad and not letting the switch do it's thing .or just could be a bad new ignition switch,just take it back .

I checked/changed the ignition lock and replaced the ignition switch. Prior to doing both, the truck started fine. It did have the problem of the silver part spinning around (why i changed the lock in the first place) but when i had the steering column unbolted so i could get to the lock, i think that's when i may have broken the ignition switch as the plastic part that is clamped into the metal part broke. That's why i had to change the switch out.

Any ideas of what to check as i'm not getting any power to the starter. The truck will not start, won't even click or turn over. I've checked all the fuses and all are good.

first of all make sure they are giveing you the correct switch to begin with !

just take back the switch and say it's bad and you would like another one and tell them that the truck started fine before this and now it don't ...should have some kind of warranty on that part .(that way if it is the part then you fixed it the problem.

then check the control rod and see if it's not damaged from your repair .the rod may have been bent and it's not makeing the switch work.recheck all of your harness's that hook into the switch and also make sure that you did not accidentlly disconnect anything else under the dash.

I'm having this same issue right now. Randomly, the ignition doesn't work. I think I've narrowed it down though. If I unplug the ignition relay and plug it back, starts right up....uh oh
