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Ball joint & Axle replacement


October 21, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Belchertown, ma
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport-Trac
I have a 2001 Sport trac that I replaced a lower ball joint on last year. When I did that I noticed a small tear in the outter CV joint boot. Didn't have time to replace it so I gooped it up. Now the upper ball joint is squealing so its time to tackle that. I have a new control arm assembly and am thinking of replacing the entire axle assembly (about $60) while I am at it, in addition to new pads and rotors.
I am pretty comfortable with the upper control arm. I plan on taking several measurements and marking the camber adjusters so I can get it close enough for the alignment shop. Any hints here will be appreciated.
More importantly is the axle assembly. Once I take the large nut off (size anyone?) and remove the axle stub from the steering knuckle, will the other end just slide out of the front carrier? Is it a slip out/slip in type procedure?
