battery terminal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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battery terminal


Active Member
April 28, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Edmonton, Alberta
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT
ever since i've had a system all this white powder has been coming up on my positive battery terminal, and also on the ring terminal that connects my amp's power wire to the battery. what is this white stuff, and how do i stop it from doing this? i put a new battery terminal on and it still does the same thing

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Clean it off with a little baking soda and water mix, and cover the terminal with grease.It won't corrode again.

when your new system was put it, they probably neglected to regrease your terminals, or maybe is just ungreased itself. :)


i put the system in but i had no idea that i had to grease the terminals, thanks

if you got to any auto store they have this spray stuff you use on termimals. Its usually red.

