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Been a long time!


Well-Known Member
December 8, 2007
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City, State
French Lick IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 PIU
Hello!!!! Well I’ve member since 2007, but was last active 2011! Whew! Anyways... I’m buying a 2013 PIU tomorrow, and will have tons of questions, and I already read all the threads. However have a few questions:

1. Where is the best place to get a tune, or is it even necessary?
2. How/what do you need to install the overhead A/C & heat
3. Is there no write up yet on wiring up the xlt center console?
4. Does any 2013+ xlt wheels fit with the larger brakes?
5. Best SIZE tires that would fit. Not looking for off-roading, have a Jeep for that. Just think the tires on the steel’s look a bit small.

Thanks in advance, and look forward to being part of the group again!

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1. personal preference - probably not necessary on the 3.7, but we all do a lot of stuff that isn't really necessary
2. seems like a pretty big job and can get expensive - maybe less expensive if you buy a crashed donor car with functional rear hvac.
3. the center console install is pretty basic/easy - just a few bolts and wiring for whatever you want to add
4. you should be fine with 13+ wheels that are 18" or larger
5. personal preference - the stock rims are 8" and you probably don't want to go much wider than a 245 or 255, but I have seen others that have put 275s, 295s, and even 315s on an 8 inch wide rim. As far as profile, you can probably go up to a 60 series, but as you go higher profile, you won't have the same handling as the 55 series stock tires. I'm sure others will be along to offer their feedback on optional tires that meet the 3% law...

Thanks for all the info. Just drove it home, already has keyless entry, and Aux in, however horn, auto lights, and honk confirmation on fob lock is disabled. And no Sirius access. So next I need to get forscan, and start unlocking things!

Thanks for all the info. Just drove it home, already has keyless entry, and Aux in, however horn, auto lights, and honk confirmation on fob lock is disabled. And no Sirius access. So next I need to get forscan, and start unlocking things!

I need to get Sirius myself, broadcast radio in Central Florida is more awful than sugar-free apple pie with decaf coffee and soy milk.

Try living in a valley in southern Indiana. There are 12 country stations, and 1-maybe 2 rock stations if I’m in the right spot lol

I have another question, on the gas cap and rear sticker say flex fuel, however my manual says Do not add e85. So which is it?

If you have the flex fuel badge and filler markings, you can run on e85.

However, it may be less-than-satisfying. The agency my PIU retired from took it to the dealer on a couple of occasions with concerns about the engine running rough, the dealer found the issue to be how they run e85 in it and suggested they stop doing so. That seems like a less-than-satisfactory answer from Ford on an option they paid a premium to get on their cars, especially when the city it retired from makes a strong point of using renewable resources and alternative fuels.

If you have the flex fuel badge and filler markings, you can run on e85.

However, it may be less-than-satisfying. The agency my PIU retired from took it to the dealer on a couple of occasions with concerns about the engine running rough, the dealer found the issue to be how they run e85 in it and suggested they stop doing so. That seems like a less-than-satisfactory answer from Ford on an option they paid a premium to get on their cars, especially when the city it retired from makes a strong point of using renewable resources and alternative fuels.

Flex fuel capability is a no-charge option, but your point is well-taken. It should at least work as advertised.

Ahh, I never understood no-charge options. Seems like there's no downside to getting the capability to do something, even if you don't plan on doing so. That is, unless the e85 system has more stupid sensors which are prone to breaking, or a water-block filter that might need to be changed periodically.
